Matilda, Countess of Huntingdon - Photo

Started by Debbie Gambrell on Tuesday, January 30, 2024
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1/30/2024 at 7:33 PM

According to Wikipedia, the photo attached to this profile isn't Matilda herself but her granddaughter:

Dervorguilla of Galloway, a granddaughter of Matilda of Chester,_Countess_of_Hunti...

yesterday at 6:19 AM

Good catch - she's this woman:Dervorgilla of Galloway, Lady Balliol
Thank you

I'll remove. I'll also recurate as Pam hasn't operated as a Curator for years now.

yesterday at 9:31 AM

Matilda, Countess of Huntingdon is my 26th great aunt.
Dervorgilla of Galloway, Lady Balliol is my 10th cousin 13 times removed.

yesterday at 12:23 PM

Thanks, Sharon Doubell

I was working on them in my Ancestry tree and I always keep Geni open and mirror them to make sure everything matches. I was pulling up Wikipedia on Matilda and that's how I made the discovery.

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