Sandor Alexander Hellsinger (Haraszti) - Name is Incorrect

Started by Private User on Sunday, January 28, 2024
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Private User
1/28/2024 at 9:44 PM


It would seem that his name is input wrong. He was born Sandor Hellsinger, he changed his name to Haraszti.
Under his profile - his name is listed as Sandor Alexander Hellsinger (Haraszti). German: Alexander Hellsinger (Haraszti), Hungarian: Hellsinger (Haraszti) Sandor

Haraszti should be his Last name, not birth name, and no where was he ever called "Alexander". He was born in Hungary and died in Hungary and his paperwork is in Hungarian which provides his name as Sandor Haraszti birth name Hellsinger.. We do not put William Shakespeare's name as Vilmos Shakespeare right?
If you could please fix the discrepancies, that would be awesome!

Thank you!

Re Alexander - I agree that there is no record of his use of Alexander.

Other users and curators are adamant that every Sandor in Hungary would never have been called Sandor during their lifetime and would have been always been called Alexander. Whilst I personally disagree with this, I have been overruled by Geni management and have to include the name Alexander.

Private User
yesterday at 2:17 AM

I have had a similar experience of being overruled by a few in significant Geni positions who assured me that regardless of their ethnic family background, "ALL" Hungarians had a preference to only use the German language within the confines of their own homes. This generalization is only based on a theoretical concept so has no validity. Athough the German language remained as a necessary skill for both commerce and education, its usage became far less popular after the majority of Hungarians rebelled against Austo-Habsburg domination in 1848.

Nevertheless, my Geni informants remained adamant that even if there was no provision of a supporting reference, a Germanic presentation of family names should take priority and compromises were unacceptable. On contacting the Society of Genealogists about this conflict of views however, their simple response was more informative. They stated:,
"If there is no reference to support a name, IT CANNOT BE USED"

I am therefore continuing to resist being bullied into accepting what I consider to be a heavily flawed ruling and will continue to align my own Geni presentations along the guidelines specified by the Society of Genealogists.

Regards Roy

Private User
yesterday at 9:18 AM

Thank you for making the changes. That is interesting about the use of German version of their names, even when there is no backup for it and interesing that it is concept that is pushed.

I also find it interesting, if that is the case about Alexander and Sandor - why does the Geni algorithm not match Sandor/Alexander when looking for tree matches - that would certainly help facilitate merging and building out the world tree, especially seeing as it is a "unofficial" policy.

I have a personal reason for being adamant about names being input without any distortions.

I have 2 cousins, who's profiles on the tree were dormant for a long time, by the name of Miklos and Sandor Szakolyi (brothers) After doing a ton digging, I found that they had died at Mauthausen in 44/45. I randomly stumbled upon them and the reason there was no record of them for so long because the Germans had put their names as Nicholas & Alexander.
When I stumbled on this fact, I started digging some more- and according to the Arolsen Archives, someone in their family had initiated a trace for their records, if I remember correctly, 30 years after the fact - and only then was information found. So for 30 years, their families had no definitive proof of what had actually happened to them.

Which is the reason why, I will put different language versions of people's names in their profile, however, for example, if they emigrated to the US, I will put their name as they used it in America and add the Hungarian version. Their descendants and people who are family tree newbies would not be able to find the connection if they only know the Americanized name that they knew them under for example.

I just do as I am told in this area - even though it matches to no genealogy standard anywhere.

Only if a Geni close family (ie Claimed family) requested an unsourced name to be removed can I remove it.

Private User
yesterday at 7:17 PM

I'm having issues finding the definition of close family and/or claimed family.
Are you talking about the "Family Group" which would be
4th cousins plus spouse + inlaws? That's the only thing I can find under the help section.


If you go to the profile in profile view
Click on actions
Click on claimed family
It will give a list of which users are in the Geni Family Group.

Private User
yesterday at 8:15 PM

Awesome! Found it ! Thank you. It's relatives out to fourth cousins and in-laws out to first cousins.

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