According go the below info, this Mahala is connected to the wrong parents:
446. HIRAM REYNOLDS, son of James (437)
and Susan (Lindsay) Reynolds, b. in Va. He
settled with his uncle Aaron in Georgetown,
Ky.; then moved to Giles County, Tenna;
and finally settled in Mooresville~ Ind.
Hem. Emma Jones. Issue: Mahala, b. 1813.
She seems to be the same as this profile UNLESS both a Henry and Mary (Jones) Reynolds and a Hiram and Emma (Jones) Reynolds both had daughters named Mahala who married a John Stokesbury:
On Ancestry I ran into a LOT of info combining Henry and Hiram into one person named Henry Hiram Reynolds and wives Mary and Emma being combined into one person named Mary Emma Jones. But their dates, geography, parental details, etc. vary so I don't believe they're the same couples. I don't have all the answers to sort them out. I Googled and couldn't find anything but this link:
Find-a-Grave and Ancestry have them combined into the Henry Hiram merged person.