Ubay - What is the source of this chain of parentage?

Started by Craig Andrew Miles on yesterday
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yesterday at 6:01 PM

Ideally the source of this chain of parentage should be noted in each profile. At the moment there is no information provided.

I note that all of the profiles from this point down were marked with a birth date of 300 with a place name of BCE.

Clearly the BCE relates to the birth date which in a Geni format should be removed from the Place Name and the Birth Date changed to -300.

I have completed a number of these but this leaves 30+ consecutive ancestors with a birth date of circa 300 BCE? Obviously incorrect.

I would have thought that either an approximate birth date should be entered at say 30 year intervals (preferable) or at worst the birth date removed.

Private User
yesterday at 6:27 PM

Hi Craig:

Further down the line, Imaam Udd Bin (Muqawim) Umaisi (Adam), a male and son of Humaisi (Nahur) Umaisi, is married to Add Imaam 'Udd, also male and son of Humaisi أدد. I believe going back from here we have a duplicated descent.

The son of these two Imaam 'Adnaan bin Imaam 'Udd is where we get some information in the Overview.

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