Joshua Quick was not born in England. John (Thomas) Quick was a Revolutionary War soldier and pensioner. He married Elizabeth Close also known as Sally in Loudoun County. Joshua was born in Albemarle County and married Mildred Foster there in 1824. I am looking for a record that will link Joshua to his father John. I believe John Quick had the following children: John Jun., Charles Franklin, Joshua, James, Delphia, Sarah Elizabeth, and possibly a George. I have found Personal Property Tax Records in Albemarle Co and in Nelson County with one or more of these names grouped together. I'm pretty sure this is the Quick family I'm looking for. I know Joshua moved to Randolph County, WV as he is in its 1830 Census. His daughter Martha Quick married a John Shreve from whom I am descended. I'm trying to complete a DAR Supplementary Application for John Quick through Joshua. However, I need a link, source, something that ties Joshua Quick to his father John Quick. If anyone can help, I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you. Marcella