Gilbert de Brionne comte d'Eu - Sorry, I'm not buying the 2-Gilbert theory

Started by Yoda of Dagobah on Sunday, August 27, 2023
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Gilbert Crispin, baron of Tillieres & Bec

Both had wives names Gunnora, who had fathers, respectively, named Balderic & Baudry?

Either the 2-Gilbert theory is wrong, or one of these Gunnoras is misapplied. Now which one is she?

Medieval Lands identifies Gilbert Crispin as marrying Gunnora, daughter of Balderic:

GILBERT [I] "Crispin" ... m GUNNORA, daughter of BALDRIC & his wife ---

Gilbert [I] & his wife had five children:

e) [ESILIA ... Either m --- [Malet], son of ---, or m GUILLAUME Malet,

But not Gilbert, grandson of Richard The Fearless, although GIlbert is also referred to "Crispin"

GILBERT de Brionne "Crespin" ([979/1000]-murdered [Mar] [1040]) ... m ---. The name of Gilbert's wife is not known.

Since Medieval Lands is taken as Gospel, the only solution that keeps both Gilberts is to have Gilbert de Brionne's wife be UNKNOWN - and to presume that whatever early genealogists that recorded Gilbert de Brionne simply got him mixed up with the other Gllbert. Also, since Gilbert de Brionne doesn't seem to have children known as "Crispin", the other Gilbert should be kept as such.

The Geni Tree has Richard the Fearless as #4 for Gilbert de Brionne (with his wife Gunnor being #5), but also as #14 for the wife Gunnora of Gilbert Crispin (with some concubine as #15).

Because Richard The Fearless is attacking from "all sides", the Brionne toponym appears to be OK for Hesilia and her unnamed maternal grandmother, and not a problem with Gilbert de Brionne (i.e., the one that is NOT Hesilia's father).

I have no idea which is right. Leora Thompson

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