Geni seems to have two sets on offer for John Framlingham, of Crow Hall
What are the sources?
Who was the “ Baron Fremingham of Glassenbury” and what is the source for the title?
The dates don’t reconcile yet but the property does.
It is known that about the middle of the 14th Century one John Crowe, a Gentleman from Lowestoft, acquired the property and built a large house. It appears that about 1420 Crowes Hall was acquired by Sir John Framlingham. He was succeeded by his son John who died in 1448 and by Sir James who died in 1519. It is not clear whether Sir James or his son Francis built the present house, but it is thought by some authorities that the latter is the more likely as a great deal of building in this style was done in Queen Elizabeth's reign.
Disconnecting Framlingham from Freeman.