Álöf Ragnarsdóttir - Álöf Ragnarsdóttir, weaver of the Raven Banner

Started by Private User on Sunday, May 21, 2023
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The Annals of St Neots were written in Latin ca. 1120, but may well be copies of contemporary sources. The Annals mention the Raven Banner in connection with the battle of Cynwit in 878 AD:

In quo etiam acceperunt illud vexillum quod Reafan nominant. Dicunt enim quod tres sorores Hynguari et Hubbae, filiae videlicet Lodebrochi illud vexillum texuerunt, et totum paraverunt illud uno meridiano tempore. Dicunt etiam quod in omni bello, ubi praecederet idem signum, si victoriam adepturi essent, appareret in medio signi quasi corvus vivus volitans; si vero vincendi in futuro fuissent, penderet directe nihil movens. Et hoc saepe probatum est.
Stevenson 1904:138

A translation is given in Lukman:

It is said that three sisters of Hingwar and Habba, i.e. the daughters of Lodebroch, had woven that banner and got it ready during one single midday's time. Further it is said that if they were going to win a battle in which they followed that signum, there was to be seen, in the centre of the signum, a raven, gaily flapping its wings. But if they were going to be defeated, the raven drooped motionless. And this always proved true.

The exact same text also appears in some copies of Asser's Life of King Alfred, originally written in Latin in 893, but this may have been a later addition, copied from the Annals or a common source.


Lukman, Niels C. "The Raven Banner and the Changing Ravens: A Viking Miracle from Carolingian Court Poetry to Saga and Arthurian Romance." Classica et Medievalia 19 (1958). 133–51.

Stevenson, William Henry (Ed.). Asser’s Life of King Alfred together with the Annals of Saint Neots. Clarendon: Oxford, 1904.

And you are saying with this????????

Maybe a stupid question: How much value should I place on her pedigree? What do the historians say about this? According to GeniCom, she is my 32nd great grandmother.

I am saying that according to the Annals of St Neots, the three daughters of Lodbrok were the weavers of the first Raven Banner. What are you saying with the 8 question marks?

Private User

The value depends on the quality of your sources for each profile in your pathway between you and the ancestor you look for. No source or bad quality equals to low value. When it comes to Ragnar Lodbrok it's his sons who are most often mentioned, so any text that mention the three sisters of them is better than none at all. As for what historians says, well, they always come up with at least three options depending on how many it takes to contradict the other historians.


Ulf Martinsson

My proven ancestor John II, Duke of Brabant and Limburg is my entrance to the Europäische Stammtafeln, so I can assume that I can go very far back in time.
However, to what extent are the last steps correct: Saint Olaf II, King of Norway
→ Åsta Gudbrandsdottir, Queen of Norway
his mother → Ulfhilde Thorasdottir
her mother → Thora Audunarsdottir Mosháls
her mother → Auðun Bjarnason Skökull
her father → Björn Hunda-Steinarson
his father → Álöf Ragnarsdóttir
his mother

This is the blog of the Dutch professional genealogist Yvette Hoitink, I share ancestors with her from her generation 14 (my 2 x 13). She wants to prove the descent of Eleanor of Aquitaine with original documents, she still has 2 generations to go.


Private User

"- so I can assume that I can go very far back in time."

Yes, we all goes back to the first life that arose on earth between 3.5 billion 4 billion years ago, it's very far back in time and almost untraceable when it comes to who did what, in that perspective it should be easier with the genealogy of the last 1000 years, but everything depends on the sources. Even with 100% correct documents, we also have the 1% chans för every generation that someone unknown was the biological father.

Álöf Ragnarsdóttir is your 31st great grandmother.

Álöf Ragnarsdóttir is your 37th great grandmother.

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