Cde. Fernando Flaínez - Two different Fernando Flainez

Started by Erica Howton on Friday, May 19, 2023
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Fernando Flainez MP
Spanish: Dn. Fernando Flaínez o Laínez
Gender: Male
Birth: estimated between 1014 and 1014
Death: circa 1054
Immediate Family:
Son of Conde Flain Núñez and Justa Fernández de Cea
Husband of Ximena Núñez and Cdesa. Elvira Peláez

But it should conform this way, I believe, into two different people.

  • FERNANDO Flaínez, son of FLAÍN Muñoz & his [second] wife Justa Pépiz (-after 1054). … m ELVIRA Peláez, daughter of conde PELAYO Rodríguez & his wife Gotina Fernández de Cea. 8 children.

Nuño & his wife had [one child]:

  • 1. [LAIN Núñez (-after 1063). .. m ---. The name of Lain's wife is not known. Lain & his wife had [two] children:
    • a) DIEGO Laínez (-[1058]). … m TERESA Rodríguez, daughter of RODRIGO Álvarez & his wife Teresa Núñez. Diego & his wife had [three] children: ..
      • i) [daughter .
      • ii) [daughter .
      • iii) RODRIGO Díaz de Vivar (Vivar near Burgos [1043]-Valencia [10] Jul 1099, bur monastery of San Pedro de Cardeña). [EL CID]
    • b) [FERNANDO Laínez . The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos names "D. Diego Lainez, D. Fernando Lainez" as the children of "Lain Nuñez"[415].] m JIMENA Núñez, daughter of NUÑO Alfonso de Amaya & his wife ---.

I agree and that's why I was using Medlands to guide me through the connections from Deigo Lainez back, because the Flain vs. Lain names were confusing me.

I go by spouses. Names get messed up.

Thanks for all the work on these folks, Eria. I crashed sometime after 4am after all the work last night. Looks like you were busy with it earlier than I got my day started.

Thank you for asking the questions and the hard work!

Well, I prefer profiles with documentation in them and get leary when I see generations of connections with no info or info that doesn't fit what I find when I Google. I don't like getting false ancestral pathways on Geni copied onto other sites and perpetuated. They can be a pain in the reat-end to sort out when they're this far back and in another language, but it's always gratifying to feel like we helped validate the pathways, not just for our own trees, but for everyone else tracing lines on Geni. I couldn't have done the necessary work on these lines without your work on them, so thanks so very much!

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