Thomas Collmore (Cullamore) - Being Transported

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Сегодня в 11:35 после полудня

I'm attempting to do some research to try to find what it meant for Thomas Collymore to have been transported to Maryland. I haven't found a definitive answer other than he was likely a convict and/or slave. I found that transportation was the way they culled undesirables from wherever they were being transported away from and those who weren't sent to the penal colony of Australia were sent to America, but they were also selling slaves to the tobacco plantation in . the American colonies. 80% of those transported were sent to Maryland and Virginia, Maryland being second only to Virginia for slave labor.

"... Thomas Collimore/Collymore , transported to Maryland 1637"

But the thing to notice here is that if he was transported in 1637 as the site indicates, that doesn't fit with a daughter (Sisley) being born 24 Jun 1639 in Barbados, but I've seen her date of birth lists variously as 1635, 1637 and 1640. The only thing I haven't seen vary is her marriage date since there is actual church documentation for that at St. Michael's Church in Barbados -- 5 Jul 1658.

Cecily Bohannon

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