Where the Scrolls of various Czech Synagogues are now located. This is part of the Memorial Scrolls Trust. https://memorialscrollstrust.org/ 1) Domalize (12 miles from Stankov, 9 miles from Osvarcin, 5 miles from Nahosice, 7 miles from Meclov ) https://memorialscrollstrust.org/index.php/scroll-origin-towns?view... Stankov had a synagogue at a previous time but in the 19th century it became part of the synagogue in Domalize as the congregation was too small. https://memorialscrollstrust.org/index.php/scroll-origin-towns?view... 2) Kojetin https://memorialscrollstrust.org/index.php/scroll-origin-towns?view...
3) Pizen https://memorialscrollstrust.org/index.php/scroll-origin-towns?view...