< Stirnet: StGeorge1 > A. John St. George (dvp) m. Matilda Cogshall (dau of Sir William Cogshall) i. Sir William St. George of Hatley St. George (d 1472-3, MP) MGH identifies William's wife Alianora as dau/coheir of Sir Richard Arundel. Visitation & BE1883 identify her as ... m1. Elionor Arundell (dau/(co)heir of Sir William Arundell)
What is the evidence favoring Sir William Arundel as he4 father other than Visitations?
Notices of Sir Richard Arundell in 'Collectanea Topgraphica et Genealogica', Vol. VI, 1840, p. 18. https://archive.org/details/collectaneatopo02nichgoog/page/n28/mode...
Shows Alianor, 3rd dau. and coheir, aged 12, 9 Hen, 5, to whom the manor of Brandon fell on partition 17 Hen, 6, 1439.
Under Philippa, aged 16, 9 Hen. 5, died s.p. before 5 Edw. 4, when Robert Willoughby was found cousin and heir of Alianor St. George.
(He was the son of their sister Joan and her husband Sir Thomas Willoughby)
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