Private User
So, my well known "thing" is documentation. When I am not helping others clean up all of the variety of messes that occur I'm working "down" the tree trying to find all of the descendants of a particular person, usually someone who is a first ancestor to North America, typically New England. As I work down I try to fill up all the "empty suits" I find, and make them as accurate as possible. While I have plenty of them, for various reasons, I don't care for "empty suits." I try to provide the best portrait of a person I can before I master the profile. Here are a divorced couple I did recently, who are just really interesting people, and who both descend from well worked lines.
Julius Deming Cowles , a veteran of the silent screen
Edith Cowles , his ex-wife, who went a totally different direction and became a noted suffragette.
Both have lots of info in the Bio section and have many fully cited sources. As I work, I'm always thinking of those who are just starting out in trying to find out who their "people" are. I want to be accurate, with lots of documents to provide the clues they need, and if possible sho how interesting a person was. I've slogged through plenty of mid-western farmers, but from time-to-time are rewarded with gems like these. I work on a lap-top, and my understanding is that phones and tablets are not as good with documents. If I could afford it, I'd have a cock-pit with multiple BIG screens! If you are interested I'm happy to tell you how to download, upload, and cite. But, I'm happy if people just add SOMETHING to a profile besides death and birth dates.
DNA is not my thing, I'm more into history, but I'm glad we have people who can help with it.