Rabbi Yona Ha-Ashkenazi of Regensburg - @R' YONA ASHKENAZI

Started by Moshe Laizer Rosenfeld on Friday, February 24, 2023
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שלום וברכה
1. I see a confusion here, the Yona Ashkenazi was the בעל איסור והיתר, he had a grandson who was also named Yona Ashkenzi
2. According to the information provided by the grandson Yona Ashkenazi, was the איסור והיתר were a son-in-law of the Maharam of Lublin.
3. What is being said here that his father was a מחותן with the מהר"י ווייל is not necessarily talking about this child.

In total, the איסור והיתר was probably a son-in-law of the Maharam of Lublin.

Please comment if I am correct
הצלחה ברכה


Not sure I follow your discussion. The only Mahram of Lublin I know about is Rabbi Meir ben Gadalya "Maharam of Lublin" who lived much later than Isser Veheter. Is there another Maharam of Lublin you are referring to? If so, can you please indicate the URL of the profile here?


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