Wrong Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford tagged in list of English injured (12th Century instead of 13th/14th)

Started by Amy Anderson on Monday, February 6, 2023
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Here's the one who fought and was injured at Bannockburn:

Humphrey VIII de Bohun, 4th Earl of Hereford

On a related subject, the Henry de Bohun listed--who fought and was killed by Robert the Bruce in individual combat before the battle proper began--is, according to a book I'm reading, the nephew of the above Humphrey, but on Humphrey's profile no siblings are listed, so if he was a nephew he must have been a grand nephew, unless there's a brother to Humphrey who doesn't yet have a profile here. Then again, the book is a work of historical fiction, though one seeming to stick as much as possible to the facts at least; it's a great read, highly recommended: The Bruce Trilogy by Nigel Tranter

I'm seeing now that though there are several brothers from previous generations to Humphrey's, none are listed as having a son named Henry. But that's almost too many brothers without children, so maybe nobody has filled in those details yet. It's unlikely to be a separate, unrelated Bohun line, as Bohun was a manor, not a town. From Wikipedia:

"Humphrey with the Beard (died c. 1113), who founded the English family, held the manor of Bohun (or Bohon) in Normandy – on the Cotentin Peninsula between Coutances and the estuary of the Vire.[1] :

At any rate, I see someone has created a profile for this Henry which doesn't lead anywhere. I'm not really a genealogist, don't have the training, patience or experience for looking up obscure details in Latin and hard-to-follow texts. Just curious...

Thanks for starting this project; I found my way here by accident because I was reading about the battle and wondering what my relationship was to this Henry and his "uncle." I would fix the above-mentioned link for Humphrey myself but I guess I'd have to be a manager, so I leave that to you folks.


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