Morgan Maddox have you done DNA?
I don't recall but we have many folks in the same area and I have a brick wall in Alabama
Morgan Maddox hopefully someone can help us out but I will revisit them soon... I run into the same circles lol
I am a hobbyist as well and I am thankful for you and your additions to the Big Tree
You might like to read more about the surname Maddox by using the pull down menu little black carrot up top here on this page under '"Search People" to Surname and put Maddox in the search box.
You will find out that there are over 5000 Maddox on Geni. I have several relatives with Maddox that are connected to the Combs family. Sometimes used as a first name for a male. Geni is so big now that multiple hits occur for almost any name. It is the World Tree after all.
Looks like one Thomas Maddox (the first one) is a Maryland Maddox, while the second one appears to bey a mainside Virginia Maddox.who has gotten mis-attached to the Maryland tree.
There were also Maddoxes in Massachuetts, and elsewhere.
Other problems:
https://www.geni.com/family-tree/index/6000000110608453890 has WAAAY too many children, some of whom are probably duplicates and others are "little lost sheep".
The parents of Samuel Maddox are bogus - he was *maybe* a distant cousin of the Scethorg Maddoxes, not a direct descendant, and the only "Sarah Michael" recorded as marrying *any* Maddox was this one (Eastern Shore): https://espl-genealogy.org/MilesFiles/site/p214.htm#i21310 - Tomas (not JOhn) Maddox was her third husband and they had no known children.
https://www.geni.com/family-tree/index/6000000110608453890 = Notley Maddox. Thought I had the right link but I didn't.
Keeping Thomas Maddox and will disconnect “brother” Thomas Maddox
Hopefully I did that correctly.
Anyone can be added back with sources as there are no locks at this time.
Re Notley Maddox: "Early Colonial Settlers" lists only six children for him, all cited in his will: sons Samuel, Notley (Jr.) and John, daughters Anne, Jane and Sarah. https://colonial-settlers-md-va.us/getperson.php?personID=I2291&...
Said site also gives "Dr. Rice Maddox" as ancestor of the family, but with no more supporting evidence than the "Scethrog" legend. This blog post https://hisxmark.com/2016/04/30/did-edward-have-a-brother/ chases down what little is known about Dr. Rice Maddox, which suggests that the attribution is erroneous.
We've still got trouble with Sarah “Sally” Pyburn - she has two sets of parents, both of which have problems.
1) Thomas Maddox of Maryland, m. Janet Elizabeth Maddox and also Janet Elizabeth Maddox - but the Maddox family book names no wife and only implies children (three daughters: Mary Harrell, Sally Coon, Margaret Wilson, and arguable son Matthew).
2) Thomas Maddox of Virginia(?), m. Jane Middleton Maddox - in 1793, per MyHeritage (Sally born 1787).
They can't both be right, and may both be wrong.
For Sarah “Sally” Pyburn she has no parents attached for her FAG memorial.
She was merged in 202 which brought in two different sets of parents.
I can disconnect until more info is known.
There are a bunch of Thomas Maddoxes over on the Eastern Shore, but I don't think they come into this. It *was* a popular name, though.
"Early Colonial Settlers" has some information on Janet Wood, Seems she was the daughter of Jacob Wood and Jane Mackon, and had sisters Charity and Judith. Their mother married one George Read or Reid after Jacob died, and this bit of documentation survives:
"1752-1756 Frederick County MD Land Records {Patricia Abelard Andersen}
80-82. Charity Wood and others recorded deed of gift 5 Feb. 1753. I George Read, planter, in consideration of the natural love and affection I bear unto Charity Wood, Judith Wood and Janet Wood, daughters of Jacob Wood deceased, and now mine by law, and for sundry good causes, grant my Negro girl named Sarah aged 7 years with the future increase unto Charity Wood and her heirs forever; and also make over unto Judith Wood my Negro girl named Clare aged 5 years with the future increase unto her. Also I give unto Janet Wood my Negro girl named Nan aged 3 years with her future increase to Janet. if it should happen that the above named Charity Wood, Judith Wood or Janet Wood should die before they arrive to the age of 16 years or before the day of marriage. then their share of the said Negroes shall be equally divided between the survivors. Signed George Read, in presence of John Needham, John Clagett." https://colonial-settlers-md-va.us/getperson.php?personID=I112447&a...
Janet is alleged to have married *a* Thomas Maddox ("Early Colonial Settlers" assumes he was the son of John Maddox and Mary Dyson) , but there is no primary documentation for this. It is also a bit strange that they are said to have married in Frederick County, Maryland, when Thomas and his parents (and the rest of his family) had removed to Culpeper County, Virginia. (Frederick County, *Virginia* would have made more geographical sense, but that's not what's writ.)
A little more poking around reveals that Janet also had at least two brothers, Stephen and Bennett (Benedict), who were similarly "gifted" on the same occasion:
1752-1756 Frederick County MD Land Records {Patricia Abelard Andersen}
78-79. Stephen Wood recorded 5 Feb. 1753. I George Read planter, and Jane Read my wife, in consideration of the natural love and affection which we have unto Stephen Wood, son of Jacob Wood deceased, and now mine by law, and for other good causes, give and grant one Negro girl named Simbry and her increase to be disposed of as hereafter mentioned, saving for ourselves the use of the said Negro girl during the natural life of the said Jane Read. The first child of the above mentioned Negro we give to Bennett Benedict Wood and his heirs; and all other issue to be equally divided between the above mentioned Stephen Wood and Bennett Benedict Wood, sons of the aforementioned Jacob Wood deceased; or upon the day that the said Stephen Wood shall arrive to the age of 21 years, he is to have full possession. In case he should die before age 21, then the above mentioned Bennett Benedict Wood and his heirs for ever. Signed 13 Jan. 1753. George Read. Jane Read by her mark, before Jno Needham, John Clagett. https://colonial-settlers-md-va.us/getperson.php?personID=I13297&am...
One Robert Wood is presumed to have been yet another son on the strength of his being cited as "next of kin" in the appraisal of Jacob Wood's estate (Mar 4 1750/1), but he could have been a brother or close cousin. A John Wood is also named, who apparently was *not* a son. https://colonial-settlers-md-va.us/getperson.php?personID=I37354&am...
(Yes it's icky that planters would give away *people* as though they were of no more importance than cattle, but that was the way of it back then.)
Thank you for this, Private User
I just created a Project and added Janet Elizabeth Maddox as the first profile.
I will try to work on her but please do if you are able?
May I simply cut/paste your info or could you please add it?
Let me know :)
This seems to be Janet's father: Jacob Wood - however, the extensive list of children below him is highly dubious. See above.