According to Armenian wikipedia page Cavoukian is only a very recently assumed name:
Artin Gavuk (Arto Gavuk, real name: Harutyun Hovhannesi Gavukyan , December 25 , 1915 [1] , Mersin , Turkey - 1986 , Toronto , Canada ), Armenian photographer.
Wife's name (Lucy) listed on daughter's page https://hy.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D4%B7%D5%B6_%D4%B3%D5%A1%D5%BE%D5%B8...
Father's name "Hovhannes Gavukyan" as per son's Wiki https://hy.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D5%95%D5%B6%D5%B6%D5%AB%D5%AF_%D4%B3...
Per https://www.vulture.com/2015/12/finding-raffi-c-v-r.html Raffi and Deb divorced and never had kids.
As unconnected profiles i don't think anyone else can edit them even though some are Public(?).
Maybe your collaborators could?
I started this thread from the father's profile rather than Raffi's because even as a curator i can not start it from Raffi. Even as a curator i could only edit Raffi's profile if you asked me to do so on your behalf.
I had a laugh at one websites description of Raffi as the world's most popular children's singer. I have 3 kids (teens and 20s) but have never heard of him until today.