John Montrose Guthrie - Identity Issues

Started by Ann Guthrie on Monday, December 12, 2022
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John Guthrie, an immigrant to Middlesex County, Virginia, is not always easily distinguishable from other men of the same name who were in the area of Tidewater Virginia at about the same time. There was also John Guthrie, likely from England, who settled at King's Creek (later called Guthries Creek) in what became King and Queen County, Virginia. Additionally, there was John Guthrie, the captain of the Ewe & Lamb, a merchant vessel that often brought indentured servants and was licensed to carry convicted criminals sentenced to be transported to the Americas. The latter was an intermittent presence in the records of the Virginia Colony. Nevertheless, they are 3 distinct individuals.

This John Guthrie, whose birth date nor age has ever been documented in the records of Middlesex County, VA, died there in 1706. He was a planter and surveyor, not a ship captain. His parentage is also undocumented.

The lineages of the Middlesex, King & Queen, and Cumberland VA Guthrie families have become very entangled by genealogists over the years. It is only now through Y-DNA testing of Guthrie men that we are slowly being able to determine which of these lines is actually related. There has also been a tendency to try to fit all of these early Virginia families under one 'roof' so to speak when they don't belong together, or to make connections to earlier generations without any evidence.

Direct male descendants of John Guthrie and Elizabeth Basket match the genetic profile of Guthrie Family Group 1A, which is the same genetic group found in the Guthries of Craigie, and the Guthries of Snow Hill, MD. There are a few others. See GFG1A details at

This man does not have a middle name "Montrose". No such documentation exists in the records of Middlesex, VA. There are indeed Guthries in Montrose, Scotland, but none know to be directly associated with this man nor to the genetic lineage currently proven as related. The same goes for the couple James Guthrie and Elizabeth Ochtersorny, whom some people have randomly selected as parents for this man from Middlesex, VA. They are also not associated with Montrose. There are many infants by the name John Guthrie listed in the Old Parish Records within a reasonable time period that could potentially be this person to take a random stab at a set of parents. Further evidence is required.

We can estimate the birth year range for John Guthrie. The earliest document in the records of Middlesex, VA that can be proven to be this man's is the notation of his marriage: "John Guthry & Elizth Basket both of this parish was marryed 6th ffeb. 1686." Also mentions "John Guttery of Scotland".

Let's guess that John Guthrie was an adult of 21 years of age upon his marriage. His birth year would have been 1665.
If he was a more seasoned immigrant and late to the marriage mart, he may have been 40. His birth year would have been 1646.
That gives us a reasonable age range of 21-40 and a birth year estimate of 1646 - 1665

The Old Parish Records of Scotland list numerous infants with recorded birth/baptismal records for that date range. It cannot be certain that his birth occurred in Angus (Forfarshire) because we have no other data to prove that, but GFG1 does include Guthries who lived in Angus. Filtering the list to just Angus results in a shorter list of 10 for closer research, but John Guthrie could potentially have been born anywhere in Scotland.
Possible Parents (OPR Birth Records):
1) Johne Guthrie son of James Guthrie on 27 Apr 1650 in Dundee
2) Johne Guthrie son of Alexander Guthrie on 1 Jun 1651 in Dundee
3) Jon Guthrie son of David Guthrie on 27 Mar 1654 in Arbroath
4) Jhone Guthrie son of James Guthrie on 21 Aug 1654 in Arbirlot
5) Jhone Guthrie son of David Guthrie/Jean Arnot on 30 Jun 1659 in Arbroath
6) John Guthrie son of James Guthrie/Cirst. Soutar on 8 Apr 1660 in Kettins
7) Jhon Guthrie son of James Guthrie/Elizabeth Ouchterlony on 9 Aug 1661 in Arbroath
8) John Guthrie son of David Guthrie on 21 Feb 1662 in Dun
9) Johne Guthrie son of Patrik Guthrie/Elspeth Gibb on 26 Jul 1663 in Kinell
10) Jhone Guthrie son of Jhone Guthrie on 9 Apr 1664 in Arbirlot

Note that James Guthrie and Elizabeth Ouchterlony are on the list of potential parents. They're in Arbroath, not Montrose. Again, one set of potentials rather than actuals.

Currently Y-DNA Testing has proven the lineage of Guthrie Family Group 1A back to James Guthrie and Christian Scott. Genetic distance calculations suggest that the Middlesex line's most recent common ancestor would be found diverging from a branch a little further back on the historical Guthrie Family Tree.

Hi Ann,

This was my most closely related Guthrie (so far) so I’ve just cleaned up the line a touch and made Master Profiles with locked names & relationships for John Guthrie (Immigrant) & wife Elizabeth Guthrie (Baskett)

I seem ro relate in Trigg County KY at Sarah Guthrie

Ann Guthrie - was Elizabeth Guthrie (Baskett) a daughter Baskett or a widow Baskett? She’s seen as 2nd wife & widow of John Baskett, of Middlesex County

There are several theories flying about.

The answer is that I don't really know.

I have not done any in-depth research on the Baskett side of that line.

There is nothing in the CCP Register that indicates she is a widow.

Wikitree currently has it listed that her maiden name was Cordwell and that she married John Baskett. I don't know where they're getting that info. I browsed through it a week or so ago and it looked a little wonky, but I didn't take it any further.

I have a notation that John & Elizabeth Baskett baptized a daughter named Elizabeth on 14 Mar 1679, but she would be too young to be the mother of John Guthrie's children, so it's not their daughter. The daughter is possibly the Elizabeth Baskett who married George Guest in 1717.

The CCP Register shows that a John Baskett died 30 Nov 1720, but is that the husband of the original Elizabeth? If so, his widow is also not the wife of John Guthrie.

There were other Baskett couples in Middlesex. The CCP Register is dated 1653 to 1812, We think Elizabeth would have been born bet. 1667-1677-ish. If she was a little older, her birth might not have been recorded. Or it silly could have been missed.

Your guess is as good as mine.

Erica Howton Vincent Guthrie 1794-1872 who married Sarah Stowe has a direct male descendant in the Guthrie DNA Project with a Y-DNA test that does match Guthrie Family Group 1. So, he's in the right group. Garritt Guthrie's family is a little tangled in some trees, but all but one of the sons has at least one descendant with Y-DNA. Has her as John Basket’s widow but not a lot of detail to it.

I think GenI should keep them separate for now, we can cross reference links within profile “about.”

Re: Vincent Guthrie

I got lucky! :)

Thanks, I’ll add to his profile.

One thing I did leave out of the ABOUT section for John Guthrie (Immigrant) is the possibility of a marriage for him prior to Elizabeth Baskett.

The CCP Register lists the christening of "Henry Guthridge ye sone of John & Rebea (Rebecca) Guthridge batptz. 5 of August 1683."

This marriage would actually fit into the timeline for John arriving in Middlesex.

This is where he purchases his property:
Property (Purchase)
7 Sep 1674 • Middlesex County, Virginia, USA
Thomas Loe, planter, to John Gutteridge & Nicholas Paine, planters. 500-600 acres patented by Loe dated 9 Apr 1674.

Henry is baptized in 1683.

Then in 1685 John Gufferidge and Nicholas Paine are noted to be neighbors.

A few months later it is 6 Feb 1868 when "John Guthry and Elizth Basket" are married.

I am not thrown off by the Gutteridge/Gufferidge spelling variants because John's surname is spelled so many different ways within the records: Guttrey, Guthrey, Guthery, even Gootery. Then in 1701, as John Goodridge.

There is no notation of Rebecca that I can find other than Henry's baptism. There is also no notation of Henry's death in the CCP records.

Just a theory, but I haven't really seen anyone run with the idea either.

John's wife Elizabeth was alive in 1701/2. They had a daughter named Mary baptized on 23 Jan 1701/2.

Elizabeth outlived John. He died in 1706. It was recorded in the Christchurch Parish Register, so it makes sense that the burial was there. Find-a-Grave isn't always an accurate source.

Court Order
7 Mar 1715 • Middlesex County, Virginia, USA
Gutterey to be held in custody -- Elizabeth Gutterey not appearing to answer to the grand jury's presentment against her. The order for taking her into custody held till next court.

Court Order
6 Dec 1715 • Middlesex County, Virginia, USA
Delinquent: Ordered that the Sheriff summon several persons to appear at next court. Ordered that Elizabeth Guttery be taken into custody till she gives security for her appearance.

Court Order
3 Apr 1716 • Middlesex County, Virginia, USA
Grand Jury v Elizabeth Gutterey is dismissed.

Inheritance (William Finney)
1717 • Middlesex County, Virginia, USA
Will of William Finney, Middlesex Co., VA Wills, 1713-1734, Vol. 3, #4, p. 170. Bequeathed "an old puter dish, two puter plates and iron kittle and one old chest and one cow and one calfe."

William Finney was the guardian of son John Jr.

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