Ladislaus I of Hungary - DNA confirm

Started by Ярослав Юрьевич Горковенко on Friday, November 11, 2022
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DNA confirmed that I am somehow related to Ladislaus I of Hungary. We share a segment of DNA.

My 37th Great Hrandfather

I suppose me and you are also related some how. I just need to figure out how but I dont know how

Ladislaus I is my 28th Great Grandfather and my 27th Great Uncle.

Ladislaus I of Hungary is my 25th great grandfather.

I have also had a DNA test and share an 'exceptional' (their words) amount of DNA with Ladislaus 1.
788 cM's (that's a lot for such distance) which means it must be a direct ancestor from what I can gather.
So now to find the family tree!
I'm in Australia but first born - all family (both sides) were in Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Germany and Czechia.
DNA says Balkans too.
If anyone has any of these names in their tree that would be awesome!

1. Wiedrich/Vidrich/Vidrić/Vidrih
2. Lebaritsch/Lebarić/Lebar
3. Murscak
4. Zoff
5. Wenko
6. Strach
7. Staab
8. Simecek
9. Braunseis

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