Great news! Y-700 DNA is a match for Robert the Bruce, per FTDNA. Robert the Bruce has been Y-700 DNA tested and his haplogroup identified. Geni should attach Robert de Bruce DNA to his profile. All of the ancients that have been Mitochondrial and Y-700 DNA results are available. These are public profiles, right? Why did I not get a Blood Match? Please explain.
Shortest In-law Relationship:
Robert I the Bruce, King of Scots is your first cousin four times removed's husband's 15th great grandfather.
→ Vanessa Brooks YQ6082323
your mother → Kenneth Curtis Hosea
her father → Zeb D. Hosea
his father → Nancy Caroline "Caddie" Hosea
his mother → Mariah Dixon
her mother → Thomas Blackmon Grayson
her brother → Caroline May Robinson
his daughter → John Lee Robinson
her husband → James Bonner Robinson, I
his father → William Harvey Robinson
his father → Capt. William Robertson
his father → Lloyd M Robertson
his father → William Henry Robertson
his father → Mary E Mackenzie
his mother → Anne Mackenzie
her mother → Mary Ogilvie
her mother → Mary Ogilvy
her mother → Agnes Leslie, Countess of Morton
her mother → George Leslie, 4th Earl of Rothes
her father → Margaret Balfour
his mother → Janet Ogilvy
her mother → Margaret Glen
her mother → Sir John Glen of Inchmartin and Balmuto
her father → Margaret Bruce
his mother → Robert I the Bruce, King of Scots
her father