Adam Fitzroy - @Adam FitzRoy (How are you related?)

Started by Felton Maurice Epps, Jr on Thursday, October 27, 2022
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  • Royal Arms of England Via Wikipedia Public Domain
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10/27/2022 at 11:55 PM

Shortest In-law relationship. (As per my mother's paternal side)
Adam Fitzroy is your first cousin four times removed's husband's second great aunt's husband's second great grandfather's wife's mother's husband's second great uncle.
→ Vanessa Brooks YQ6082323
your mother → Kenneth Curtis Hosea
her father → Zeb D. Hosea
his father → Nancy Caroline "Caddie" Hosea
his mother → Mariah Dixon
her mother → Thomas Blackmon Grayson
her brother → Caroline May Robinson
his daughter → John Lee Robinson
her husband → Elizabeth "Eliza" Ann Robinson
his mother → Ann Lee Joel
her mother → Elizabeth Maria Joel
her mother → Sussannah Lee Winfield
her sister → Edward Winfield
her husband → Peter Winfield
his father → Edward Maria Wingfield, MP, 1st Governor of Virginia
his father → Thomas Maria Wingfield, MP
his father → Sir Richard Wingfield, Kt.
his father → Katherine Wydeville, Duchess of Buckingham
his wife → Jacquetta of Luxembourg, Countess Rivers
her mother → John of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Bedford
her husband → Henry IV of England
his father → John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster, 1st Earl of Richmond
his father → Edward III, king of England
his father → Edward II, king of England
his father → Adam Fitzroy
his son

Private User
10/30/2022 at 6:31 AM

Adam Fitzroy is my 3rd cousin 20 times removed

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