Shortest blood relationship
George Washington, 1st President of the United States is your 10th cousin 6 times removed.
Shortest in-law relationship
George Washington, 1st President of the United States is your second cousin 8 times removed's 2nd husband.
We are distant relatives. Glad to see the connection!
There is a pedigree that list descendants of William the Conqueror. Each name has a number next to it to show which generation they belong to. They keep adding names to this list so you must scroll down from the top to find anyone. As of // George Washington was in generation on screen #79. You left-click on the slider bar on the right and it advances you one screen at a time. I counted 118 screens today. With about 20 names per screen, that's nearly 2400 names. Those printed in black seem to have all the information that the owners of this site know about the person. Those in light blue are links to that person's page on the site. While the list shows you one parent and one child, the link will show you very much more. If the name is in a bold blue type, this indicates a much more famous person. Several of these appear more than once because they are related by more than one lineage. Barack Obama and Queen Elizabeth II are listed this way. There are 5 U.S. Presidents, many singers, actors and most of the Crown Heads of Europe. Using the generation numbers listed with each name, it is possible to calculate the cousin relationship between everyone there. If you are directly related to anyone in this list, you are related to everyone on this list. It might be a complex cousin relationship or you may be a direct descendant. Good luck in you pursuit of this 60,000,000,000 piece jigsaw puzzle we call Genealogy..
George Washington, 1st President of the United States is Jacqueli Finley's fourth cousin 9 times removed!
Jacqueli Finley
You → Claudia Inez Mauk
your mother → Claud Bosworth Mauk
her father → Charlotte Bosworth
his mother → Henrietta Lenoria Bosworth
her mother → Laura Henrietta McCrary
her mother → Isaac McCrary
her father → Anna McCrary
his mother → Capt. John Taliaferro
her father → Capt. Richard Taliaferro
his father → Zachariah Taliaferro
his father → Sarah Taliaferro
his mother → Colonel Lawrence Smith
her father → Elizabeth Smith
his mother → Mary Warner
her sister → Colonel Augustine Warner, II
her son → Mildred Gale
his daughter → Captain Augustine Washington
her son → George Washington, 1st President of the United States
his son