Elisabeth of Cleves-Dinslaken - Children of Elizabeth and Gerlach

Started by John Love on Saturday, October 8, 2022
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Hi Wojciech,

I've been adding the information on Elizabeth ad Gerlach to my family tree and noted a couple of birth dates that I wanted to inquire about. The birth dates for Agnes, Johann, and Elizabeth seemed to be rather late and in Elizabeth case beyond the date of death on Elizabeth their mother. Could these dates be typos?

Thanks for your help and assistance with these dates.
John Love

Many times the dates are 'Before' or 'After' a documented or recorded event but many people just label them 'circa' so it can get confusing.

Having the before, after and between option on dates in Geni is rather new, - before that we only had ca. Unfortunately the before and after year is still displayed as exactly some places, like lists.

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