TEMPORARY POST: Beilah bat Nakhum is not the correct mother of Judah the Younger. His mother is:
Hinda Halevi Katzenellenbogen
Please detach him from Beile Wahl-Katzenellenbogen and attach him to Hinda (keeping the father the same: he was married twice).
According to the 3rd Edition of Unbroken Chain, Chapter 3, page 430:
G5.5 Judah Wahl, called the "younger," as he was named after his deceased brother, married Dreizel, daughter of Simeon Wulff of Vilna, who settled in Hamburg and died in 1682. Judah and Dreizel were distantly related by virtue of the fact that his maternal grandmother, Miriam was a sister of Simeon Wulff's ancestor, the prominent Talmudist R. Moses Isserles, known in the rabbinical world as the ReMa 1520-72 of Cracow, where the family originated. Dreizel the elder was the wife of R. Simha Bonem Meisel (Meisels) of Cracow.
The reference cited on the Beile Wahl-Katzenellenbogen?through=6000000000348786317 page, from the Volodymyr Book (https://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/Volodymyr_Volynskyy/vol022.html#Pa...) says that Rabbi Meir Moshe Wahl Katzenellenbogen, MaHaRash was married to Bielah but not that she was the mother of Judah the Younger. The UC passage quoted above says that Judah's maternal grandmother was Hinda's mother Miriam.
(01 OCT 2022)