Rbzn. Dina (Walsch) Katz Heschel - Informational Post (since 'About' is closed)

Started by Private User on Thursday, September 22, 2022
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Dinah was previously listed in Geni as the daughter of R’ Judah Wahl Katzenellenbogen, son of Saul Wahl Katzenellenbogen, as presented in the 2nd edition of “The Unbroken Chain”, by Neil Rosenstein. However this was found to be a mistake, and was corrected in the 3rd edition. The reason for this change is discussed at length in Avotaynu, Volume XXII, #2, Summer 2006, 26-28, The Significance of the Wives of Rebbe Reb Heschel of Cracow for Rabbinic Genealogy.

Yigal Burstein,

Would you be able to update the 'about' section of Rbzn Dina Katz Heschel (Walsch) to reflect the updated genealogy, as described above by Adam?

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