Hello. Would you please apply the link to Edward I Longshanks. I have completed my genealogy on my own, seen it through Wikitree, and many other places, and I have Edward III as my 18th Great Grandfather.
The surname's Robertson, is associated to King James I, Stewart, Wood, is associated to the Wallaces, as in William Wallace, Bates, is familiar though I am not certain, I think it is more recent, as is Lee.
The thing about these royal creatures is there is only one specific lead up to them, which is well documented, and then one flow through them, which is now becoming more clear to everyone, is as we move more into the 18th century that the 'plot' as it were thickens, as more in computer webpage lingo, attributes are added as the number of people marry and give birth to living descendants, but that to is very stationary at this point, or static.
Fun isn't it!! :)