Steven Pirkkala, (Me)
→ Caroly Pirkkala
your mother → Charles William Thompson, Sr.
her father → Maude Bessie Thompson
his mother → William Andrew Stewart
her father → Thomas Stewart
his father → John Stewart
his father → William Joseph Stewart, II
his father → Mary Anne Stewart
his mother → Eleanor Gass
her mother → James Galbraith, Sr
her father → John G Galbraith
his father → Robert Galbraith 11th Laird of Culcreuch and 17th Chief of Clan Galbraith
his father → James Galbraith of Kilcroich
his father → James Galbriath, 9th of Culreuch
his father → Margaret Stirling
his mother → Sir John Stirling, Kt.
her father → Margaret Crichton
his mother → James Crichton of Ruthven
her father → Stephen Crichton of Cairns
his father → Isabel de Ros
his mother → Lora de Baliol
her mother → Sir Alexander de Baliol of Cavers, 1st Lord Balliol
her father → Lora de Valognes
his mother → William de Valognes, Chamberlain of Scotland
her father → Philip de Valognes
his father → Agnes FitzJohn
his mother → Magdalena Cecily Fitznigel
her mother → Thibaut, Count of Blois & Champagne
her father → Odo II, count of Blois, Champagne and Chartres
his father → Odo I, count of Blois
his father → Luitgarde of Vermandois
his mother → Héribert II, count of Vermandois
her father → Héribert I de Vermandois, comte de Vermandois, Senlis, Péronne
his father → Pépin II, lord of Péronne
his father → Bernard, King of Lombardy
his father → Pépin, king of Italy
his father → Charlemagne
his father → Pépin III, King of the Franks
his father → Charles Martel
his father → Pépin ll "the Fat" d'Héristal, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia
his father → Ansegisel de Metz
his father → Saint Arnoul, Bishop of Metz
his father