Elizabeth Cleypoole (actual spelling back in the 1500's) is from Northborough, Northampton. They had a manor home called Cleypoole manor. She is the sister of Rebecca Cleypoole -Osborne who married an Osborne from Kelemarsh. She is also the sister of Adam Cleypoole who married Dorothy Wingfield. This Elizabeth Cleypoole married John Osborne b. 1563. He is a descendant of Sir Peter Osborne 1442 and lady Eme "Essex"- Bourchier. Then through Richard Osborne and Ann Caeston/ Cawston- then Richard Osborne and Elizabeth Coke- then through Peter Osborne the keeper of the Privy Purse and Ann Blythe--- then through Sir John Osborne and Dorothy Barlee-- who had a son John Osborne 1563 that married Elizabeth Cleypoole. DNA lines have been found.