רבי יקותיאל הכהן רפא(אבי משפחת רפפורט),מיחוסי כהונה עד עזרא הסופר,הכהן - I found the book about the Rappaport family, and I'm a little confused

Начал Haim WARTSKI,HACOHEN вчера
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вчера в 6:45 до полудня

In all the many sources I have read so far, Rabbi Yekutiel Rappaport was mentioned as the first of the Rappaport family.

I found the book about the Rafaport family (I am attaching a link to the book), and there it is written in the title of the book something different: the first of the Rapaport family is Rabbi Avraham Rafa from the city of Port, and his father was Rabbi Yaakov Hachoen, but a few lines below it says that Rabbi Avraham was the son of Yechiel Cohen Porta , who wrote the book
"חוות יאיר"

I noticed that in the
symbol of the Rapaport family ,there are 2 names: Avraham Menachem son of Yaakov Hachoen
This is the link to the book:


What is the connection between him and Rabbi Yekutiel Rapaport, father and son/something else? Right now, I don't know
If anyone has time to read the book (27 pages), I believe and hope that answers to questions will be found in it, and maybe we can continue the family tree

Private User
вчера в 8:18 до полудня

The Yaakov to Avraham combination from the symbol appears here: Yaakov HaKohen Rappa, of Venice and Avraham Menahem HaCohen Rapaport
This Yaakov is given a brother Avraham רבי אברהם כ"ץ,מנהיג ישיבה במנטובה(מח"ס "עמודי הגאולה") who is the son of a Yechiel Rabbi Yechiel HaKohen Rapa, of Venice

So both of those combinations you mentioned: Avraham Menachem ben Yaakov and Avraham ben Yechiel are included in the current tree. I presume there is some good reason for this.

I am not qualified to read the excerpt you provided, but perhaps Shraga F kahana, Rabbi who is deeply involved with Rappaport research may have an opinion?

вчера в 8:50 до полудня

Private User

I corresponded at the time with Shraga F kahana, Rabbi
He is a very very nice person...but most of the things he wrote are conjectures without substantiated information (he may be right, but we need proof of this).

Because this is one of the leading branches for Aharon Hachoen, I very much hope that we will find reliable information for the continuation of the family tree.

вчера в 1:22 после полудня

R' Chaim, my dear distant cousin:

Adam is, unsurprisingly, correct.

What the excerpt from the sefer says is (I paraphrase): we do not know if avrohom menachem ben yaakov hakohen came from Porto on the Etsch river, or from Porto on the Tiber river, just as we do not know which of these 2 cities named 'porto' was the home of 2 other great people, avrohom ben yechiel hakohen porto (author of chavos yair) and menachem tzion porto (author of Ovair lasochair).

thus, the sefer clearly references 2 separate people named avrohom hakohen porto. 1 was the subject of the piece, avrohom menachem ben yaakov, and the other was avrohom ben yechiel.

Yaakov, the father of avrohom menachem, was a (younger) brother of avrohom ben yechiel, as adam correctly pointed out. thus, avrohom menachem was a grandson of avrohom.

for the record, avrohom ben yechiel in fact lived in porto mantovano (Etsch river, or, as it is more commonly known, the adige river), near mantua - a suburb of venice. he died in 1593.

yechiel's father was yekusiel, who worked as a printer in venice.

yechiel's father, moshe, is also mentioned in the sefer (in footnote 5). he was a rav in mainz, which he was forced to flee in 1455, and moved to venice, where he died in 1489.



вчера в 1:27 после полудня

correction: I meant to write that avrohom menachem was a NEPHEW of avrohom ben yechiel. not a grandson. my apologies.


вчера в 1:29 после полудня

second correction: yekusiel's father was moshe. yechiel's GRANDFATHER was moshe.

sorry, i wrote too quickly and didn't check sufficiently.


Private User
вчера в 3:32 после полудня

Shraga F kahana, Rabbi Many thanks for the helpful information.

Сегодня в 2:06 до полудня

Shraga F kahana, Rabbi

Thank you very much for the detailed explanations...
We are indeed distant cousins through the Halperin family, and we also have an indirect family connection through the Weingot family.

Maybe because English is not my mother tongue, I have a little trouble explaining myself:

When you uploaded the dozens of profiles between Rabbi Yekutiel up to Aharon Hachoen at the time, you were asked by Randy Schoenberg if you have proof of the information? Because you didn't deliver, Randy deleted the entire branch

I was looking for such information, and unfortunately I was only able to get as far as Rabbi Yekutiel Rapaport's father... so I ask with great hope, do you have any verified information about who Rabbi Yekutiel's ancestors were? Even a few of them can open a door to research and finding more generations


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