I've been seeing this phenomenon happen across disparate sections of the Big Tree off and on for a couple years. I'm wondering what its origin or cause is.
Two causes.
1. Sometimes the front end database database overloads from the weight of unresolved data conflicts and gives up on showing us anything in those fields. Solution: resolve data conflicts, at least the name.
More often, however, it is a user action. I suppose one could call it ‘vandalism’ but It’s more innocent than that, I believe.
A member finds a profile I wrongly placed, in their opinion, and not knowing how to detach (disconnect) (perhaps a basic member), and not knowing to “ask curators”, solved “their” tree issue by “blanking” out the names.
Anyone can revert that erasure.
(about) > history > facts > compare > restore. (Select column values)
(And also from the revisions tab.)