Ralph Lee Hayes unfortunately this portion of the tree has only 1 manager and she has been absent for several years so you are not likely to ever know where her information was coming from.
A quick search of the internet suggests that Johann Heinrich Haupt is the father of Elizabeth Haupt though whether Elizabeth Haupt is the same woman as married John Beachler is up for question as the mother of his children seems to have been Elizabeth Long: https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/LXKP-YYT
i am fairly sure this branch is wrong in all.
Here is the Familysearch profile of John Beachler, with sources: https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/LXKP-G4W
He was married to Elizabeth Long, not Haupt. This person has got exactly the same dates as Elizabeth Long in FS, but different parents.
I sent a message to the manager, but she might not answer after 5 years.