George Watkins - An incorrect addition to the 9 Watkins children of George & Elizabeth Watkins

Started by Ray Mankelow on Saturday, May 21, 2022
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Eric Christopher Watkins was incorrectly added to the 9 Watkins siblings and some sibling descendants worked together to sort out this aberrant addition. We contacted the profile manager of Eric but no response was forthcoming so asked Geni Curator Jason Scott Wills to remove this person from our family. Eric's birth in 1900 clashed with 'Arty' being born 20 Sep 1900.
Eric Christopher Watkins was disconnected from his parents George Watkins and Elizabeth Emmaline Watkins (Bickers) and siblings William George Watkins, Henry Thomas Watkins, Margaret Emma Thomas (Watkins) and Arthur Joseph Watkins by Jason Scott Wills.
Feb 27, 2021 at 10:43 PM
Sadly I see in various My Heritage profiles that this Eric Christopher Watkins in mentioned among the children of George & Elizabeth Watkins.
Copying from an earlier Geni profile means this false entry is perpetuated.
Go to the media files for Elizabeth Watkins for the photo of her and all her children after the funeral for George Watkins
Ray Mankelow 21 May 2022

Kia ora Ray, it's unclear from your message what curator help you are asking for. Can you please be more specific. Deb M.

Curator Jason Scott Wills actioned the removal of Eric Christopher from George & Elizabeth's list of children (total of 9)
How do we get parent company My Heritage to disconnect this person from those that took their information from the Geni profile at the time that Eric Christopher Watkins was listed as a family member.
Also My Heritage is implying false information from a Billion Graves profile - so who corrects that?

Kia ora Ray, I don't believe that we will be able to get My Heritage or Billion Graves to correct their information sorry - it does happen quite a lot unfortunately, which is why we try and 'master profile' profile pages that we know to be correct. You could try posting your query onto

I have researched Eric and added his correct parents, so hopefully that information will flow through to researchers on the other sites at some stage. Sorry I can't be of more help. Deb M.

I just had a play to see if I could remove that Billion Graves record and it worked! You shouldn't be able to see it now :)

Debbie McCauley has created a master profile on Geni for this Eric
Eric Christopher Watkins

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