Hi Eran
I found at least two documents about your GGF in the Arolsen Archives, have you checked there?
Best wishes
Peter Lobbenberg, London
My apologies Eran, only one of the Arolsen documents appears to be for your GGGF:
I see that your GGGF was born in 1853. There are four other documents for a different Joseph Rothschild, born 6 July 1891, also from Hörstein, also living in Amsterdam, also I think sent to Auschwitz (but via Theresiendtadt). A relative perhaps?
Eran shalom,
Here are a number of Joseph Rothshilds listed on the United State Holocaust Memorial Museum site, these are from the Arolson Archves which perter recommended and which I also use. You will need a birth date where he was born, where he lived etc, the name of his parents etc,,,which will guide you to the right documents. The Arolsen Archives are only about 40 % digitized, you could try contacting them with his name, DOB etc.. and see if they can furnish documents that are not yet online. Good luck.
Birth date: 17 Mar 1924
Birth place: RANDEGG
Source: [Names from French deportation lists]
Collection: [Holocaust Survivors and Victims Resource Center digital indices]
Primary Media: You can request a digitized copy of the original document by submitting the Document Request Form.
Birth date: 17 Mar 1924
Birth place: RANDEGG
Source: [Names from French deportation lists research project]
Collection: [Holocaust Survivors and Victims Resource Center digital indices]
3. Rothschild, Joseph Herbert (View the record on the NSDOK’s website)
Birth date: 10 Apr 1905
Birth place: Köln
Source: NSDOK
4. Rothschild, Joseph (View the record on the NSDOK’s website)
Birth date: 20 Apr 1857
Birth place: Kreuznach
Source: NSDOK
5. Rothschild, Selma geb. Joseph
Birth date: 11.01.1888 [11 Jan 1888]
Birth place: Griesheim (Darmstadt)
Source: Revoked German Citizenship and Property Seizures 1933-1945
6. ROTHSCHILD, Ernst Joseph
Birth date: 30 Nov 1933
Source: [Mantello El Salvadorian certificates]
Collection: [Holocaust Survivors and Victims Resource Center digital indices]
7. ROTHSCHILD, Ernst Joseph
Birth date: 19 Mar 1899
Birth place: Francofort-sur-le-Mein
Source: [Mantello El Salvadorian certificates]
Collection: [Holocaust Survivors and Victims Resource Center digital indices]
Primary Media: You can request a digitized copy of the original document by submitting the Document Request Form.
Birth date: 5 Jul 1919
Birth place: Giessen
Source: The German Towns Project
Collection: Arolsen Archives (ITS) Collection
9. Rothschild, Joseph
Birth date: 1 Jan 1853
Birth place: Hörstein
Source: Camp Westerbork Memorial - A Name and a Face
10. Rothschild, Herbert Joseph (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
Birth date: 10 Apr 1905
Birth place: Köln, Rheinprovinz, Germany
Source: Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book
11. Rothschild, Josef Joseph Isidor (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
Birth date: 17 Mar 1924
Birth place: Randegg, Konstanz, Baden, Germany
Source: Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book
12. Rothschild, Joseph Josef (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
Birth date: 1 Jan 1853
Birth place: Hörstein, Alzenau, Bayern, Germany
Source: Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book
13. Rothschild, Josef Joseph (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
Birth date: 12 Feb 1879
Birth place: Stadtkyll, Prüm, Rheinprovinz, Germany
Source: Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book
I wrote to Mr. Plosa, (Wojciech Płosa, Ph.D., Head of Archive,The State Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau in Oświęcim) and he sent me, what was available.
E-mail: wojciech.plosa@auschwitz.org
@Eran Azrieli
Rothschild, Joseph Josef
born on the 01st January 1853
in Hörstein/Alzenau/Bayern
residing in Frankfurt a. Main
17th March 1939, Niederlande
from Westerbork
16th February 1943, Auschwitz, Konzentrations- und Vernichtungslager
19th February 1943
Auschwitz, Vernichtungslager
für tot erklärt
there is people with name Rothschild
Rothschild, Josef
born: 1853-01-01
1. Judentransport aus den Niederlanden - Lager Westerbork - Transportlists created in Westerbork