Just looked at her, Aslak Erlingson den unge på Sola was wrongly connected to her, and disconnected 2 jan 2016 by
Private User
Wrongly merged again 26 jan 2021 as Ragnhilds husband. Private User might have done it, or someone else, that does not show up in the list have done a merge between two woman with similar names.
Removed Aslak Erlingson den unge på Sola Ivar Aslaksson, i Hestbø Grunhild Kalison pending the provision of Sources.
The only birthdate of a child I can find is Cawley's guesttimate of Hakon, according to this:
HAKON Paulsson (before [1070]-Orkney [1126]). Orkneyinga Saga names “Hakon” as son of “Earl Paul Thorfinnson” and his wife[915]. It is extremely unlikely that Hakon was born before [1070], given the estimated birth date of his granddaughter Margaret (see below). Snorre names "Hakon, a son of Earl Paul" when recording that "a year or two after King Magnus's fall…[he] came from Orkney" and was given the earldom of Orkney by Kings Eystein, Sigurd and Olav, before sailing back to Orkney[916]. Orkneyinga Saga records that Hakon left Orkney for Norway where he visited “King Olaf the Peaceful…towards the end of Olaf’s reign” (King Olaf’s death is dated to 1093) before sailing east to Sweden and “King Ingi Steinkelsson”[917]. He was appointed Joint Lieutenant for Sigurd Magnusson King of Orkney and the Isles, when the latter returned to Norway in 1103 on his accession as king. He was installed in [Spring 1105] as Jarl of Orkney by King Sigurd. He ruled as Joint Jarl from Spring 1108, when his cousin Magnus Erlendsson was installed as Jarl of ½ Orkney.http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SCOTTISH%20NOBILITY.htm#PaulIdied1098B
Unfortunately, Ragnhilds father Håkon Ivarsson jarl did married his wife Ragnhild Magnusdotter during Harald Hardrulers time as a king, when he single ruled Norway from 1047–25 september to 1066, anyway, any child of him with his wife ought to have been born after earliest 1048-06, but Geni make the estimation now for Ragnhildr to between 1022 och 1060,
it should be according to fact, born after 1048, or before ca.1060, that could be manually set.
It looks quite odd just now with a daughter that is estimated to be older than both her parents, but what do I know?
Yes, one user complained earlier about a similar profile and situation and accused the managers for being dumb, tried to explain that no one had set any dates, and that it was done automatically by the geni software, to no succes.
There was no point at all removing the previous estimation, contrarary it helps us easier to detect faulty mergings, or parents and children misplaced in time.
Ragnhildr Hákonardótt, born after 1048 and before ca.1060
As you so clearly put it above, estimated ranges for dates are just that. So it shouldn't look odd to you at all - and it's not showing her as older. Let's not fabricate facts we don't have.
The question becomes the Sources for the birthdates for King Håkon Den Røde Ivarsson Varg av Sørum and Ragnhild Magnusdatter
I'll look later on.
The problem with using the hard c dates, that were useful to pen and paper genealogists, in a computer programme, is that they quickly compound errors. If you enter only actual Sourced dates and leave the AI to do the calculations, it removes the iterated errors that compound over generations of human thumbsuck errors.
Sharon Doubell
"What proof do we have for the date her parents meet?"
Snorre, Harald Hardrådes saga, kap. 45-46, it's in the context. Harald single ruled, (reigned) from
1047-09-25 to 1066. We either accept this as true, or we reject it, but we do not let an AI program decide over our own logic if we can do a better estimation.
Sharon, to be civil with someone that is 100% ignorant is difficult, sometimes impossible,because
if you do not read what I wrote, and ignore it, I don't know what more to do.
Harald ruled 1047-09-25 to 1066. this is a fact. Not an invention, search any lexikon in the world and you will have it in blacjk and white.
Given the context, it's under his rule they married. He could not have had any children before 1048-06, given 9 month of pregnancy. This is 100% logic.
Geni estimates 1022 as the earliest date for her birth, this is a program, not a human being calculating.
If I have to choose between a bad program, or a more solid value from a human being, I choose the latter.
To hide my previous text is not the solution we need on this site, we need people that know what they are doing, not the opposite.
Shame on you!
48. Frá Finni ok Hákoni Ívarssyni
Síðan leggja þeir stefnulag við Hákon Ívarsson. En er þeir finnast, þá bar Finnr upp erendi sín fyrir Hákon, þau er Haraldr konungr bauð honum; fannst þat brátt í rœðu Hákonar, at honum þótti sér skylda mikil á vera at hefna Eindriða, frænda síns; sagði, at honum váru þau ord komin or Þrándheimi, at honum mundi þar fást gnógr styrkr til uppreistar í móti konungi. Síðan tjáði Finnr fyrir Hákoni, hversu mikill munr þar var, at betra var at taka af konungi svá mikil metorð, sem hann kynni sjálfr at beiða, heldr en hætta til þess, at reisa orrostu í móti konungi þeim, er hann var áðr þjónostubundinn við; sagði, at hann mun fara úsigr, ok hefir þú þá fyrirgert bæði fé ok friði; en ef þú sigrast á konungi, þá muntu heita dróttinsviki. Jarlinn studdi ok þessa rœðu með Finni. En er Hákon hugsaði þetta fyrir sér, þá lauk hann þat upp, er honum bjó í skapi; sagði svá: Ek mun sættast við Harald konung, ef hann vill gipta mér Ragnhildi, dóttur Magnús konungs Ólafssonar, frœndkonu sína, með þvílíkri heimanfylgju, sem henni sómir ok henni líkar. Finnr sagði, at hann vill þessu játta af konungs hendi. Staðfesta þeir þetta mál milli sín. Síðan ferr Finnr norðr til Þrándheims; settist þá niðr þessi úfriðr ok agi, svá at konungr hélt þá enn ríki sínu í friði innanlands, því at þá var niðrdrepit sambandi því öllu, er frændr Eindriða höfðu haft til mótstöðu við Harald konung.
48. From Finn and Hákon Ívarsson
Then they set a policy with Hákon Ívarsson. But when they were found, Finn presented his errand to Hacon, which King Harold had offered him; It soon became apparent in Hakon's speech that he thought it his great duty to avenge Eindrid, his kinsman; said that the words had come to him from Trondheim, that he would have enough strength there to revolt against the king. Then Finn told Hákon how much difference there was, that it was better to take from the king such a great honor, which he himself could expect, rather than risk to build a battle against the king with whom he had previously served. ; said that he would be defeated, and that you had then forfeited both money and peace; but if you overcome the king, you will be called a traitor. The earl also supported this speech with Finn. But when Hacon thought this to himself, he opened up what was in his mood; said thus: I will reconcile with King Harold, if he will marry me Ragnhild, daughter of King Magnus, son of Olaf Olafson, his cousin, with such a homely companion as she deserves and likes. Finnr said that he wanted to confess this on behalf of the king. They confirm this issue among themselves. Then Finn went north to Trondheim; This riot and discipline then settled, so that the king still kept his kingdom in peace within the country, for then all relations which Eindrid's kinsmen had opposed to King Harald were cut short.
Above is not when they married - it's well before, if memory serves me - because it is purported that she says he's beneath her as a marriage prospect.
This still isn't proof that they had not already had an illegitimate child together. If you're using Harald's reign as a limiting factor - you need to say why this impacts on Ragnhild Magnusdatter's ability to have conceived a child.
Ahh, but the death date of Magnus I Olavsson «the Good» den Gode functions to limit his daughter Ragnhild Magnusdatter 's birth date at least. I'll put that in.
Of course, this birthdate limit for the NN daughter of Hakon Ivarsson (based on the known death date of her maternal grandfather, Magnus), presumes we have sources that place her as Hakon Ivarsson's daughter by Ragnhild Magnusdatter and not by someonelese.