Baroness Eleanor de Percy is my second cousin 24 times removed.
→ Mamie Lee Brooks (Williams)
your mother → Mamie Perkins-Whitaker (Franklin)
her mother → David Winchester Franklin
her father → Owen (Orren) Franklin, Jr
his father → Owen A. Franklin, Sr., (CSA)
his father → Owen Franklin, Jr
his father → Owen Owen E Franklin, Sr
his father → Lawrence Franklin
his father → John Franklin
his father → Elizabeth Franklin
his mother → Elizabeth Salmon
her mother → Susan Cutt
her mother → John Foote of London
her father → Helen Hall
his mother → Alice Warren
her mother → John James Jenawaye
her father → John Edward James
his father → Edward James
his father → Catherine James
his mother → Elizabeth de la Pole
her mother → Isabella Haudlo
her mother → Margaret le Despenser
her mother → Isabella de Beauchamp, Countess Winchester
her mother → Maud FitzJohn, Countess of Warwick
her mother → John FitzGeoffrey, Lord of Shere
her father → Geoffrey FitzPiers, Earl of Essex
his father → Perronnelle FitzPiers
his sister → Lord Ingelram de Baliol, Lord Of Harcourt
her son → Baroness Eleanor de Percy
his daughter