From: The register of the Great seal of Scotland, A.D. 1306-1668 by Scotland; Great Britain. General Register Office (Scotland) Publication date 1882
547. Apud Dunde, 21 Sep. REX confirmavit cartam David Ogil^T^ de Incbmartyn, — [qua — amore fibali et pro fideli servitio, &c., cum consensu sponse sue Mariote Hay in judicio pre.stito, — concessit filio suo JACOBO OGILYY de Balgally,A.D. 1500.] 541[13 Jac. IV. heredibus ejus et assignatis, — terras de '\Vestu--Inclimartyn, Estir-Inclimartyn, cum turre, fortalicio, et manerie ejusdem, unacum tenentibus, &e., et advocatione ac donations capellanie capelle B.V.iL infra dictum fortalicium ; necnon terras de PetmedU et Cragdaly, cum molendino ejusdem et multuris et ejus sequelis, in baronia de Inchmartyn ; ac etiam superioritatem ter- ranun de Strathardill in baronia de Douny ; unacum terris de Balgawy que fuerunt quondam D. Hugonis, in baronia de Insture, vie. Perth : — Tenend. a dicto Dav. de rege : — Eeservato libero tenemento dicto Dav., et post ejus decessum dicte Mariote, — salva dicto Jac. et heredibus ejus imme- diate post decessum dicti David, dicta turre de InchmartjTi unacum 20 mere, terrarum infra baroniani de Inchmartyn, tam in feodo quam in libero tenemento : — Test. Pat. Wellis preposito et vicecomite de Perth, Job. Brisoun, Joh. Donnyng, Eob. Bonkle, baUivis, D. And. Eldare capellano ac notario publico, Dionisio Constantyn : — Apud Perth, 13 Aug. 1500]: — Test, ut in carta 2458, excepto 42. xiiL 406.
547. At Dundee, 21 Sep. The king confirmed the charter of David Ogil of Incbmartyn, which he granted to his son James OGILYY of Balgally,A.D. 1500.] 541 13 Jac. IV to his heirs and assigns, — the lands of 'Vestu-Inclimartyn, Estir-Inclimartyn', with the tower, fortalice, and manor of the same, together with the tenants, &e. and the lands of PetmedU and Cragdaly, with the mill of the same and manifold and its sequels, in the barony of Inchmartyn; and also the superiority of the tribe of Strathardill in the barony of Dunny ; together with the lands of Balgawy, which formerly belonged to Mr. Hugh, in the barony of Insture, vi. Perth: — To hold. from the said Dav. of the king:—the free tenement having been reserved to the said Dav., and after the death of the said Mariota, — without prejudice to the said Jac. and to his heirs immeasurably after the decease of the said David, the said tower of Inchmart, together with 20 mere, of the lands below the Barons of Inchmartyn, both in fee and in free tenement:—Test. Pat. Wells provost and sheriff of Perth, Job. Brisoun, Joh. Donnyng, Rob. Bonkle, baUivis, D. And. Eldare chaplain and public secretary, Dionisio Constantyn: — At Perth, 13 August 1500]: — Test, as in Charter 2458, except 42. xiiL 406
I'm probably being dense, but not seeing the point you're wanting us to understand from above.