RM875291C1. Charles Holt is a verified Autosomal match maternally and paternally with my DNA. Why dont i get a match with the Dove. Something is wrong.
My Gedmatch kit contains multiple Autosomal and a FTDNA full mitochondrial sequence. Please do not braid those profiles yet. Something still needs fixing with those Charles Holt profiles.
Again, Dove is not an Autosomal match with me and she is the only one from 9 other Autosomal related lists of Autosomal DNA matches that does not match with me. The source document should not trump the DNA evidence.
Perhaps it is a simple fix.
Inlaw Relationship only
Eunice C. Dove is your 7th great aunt's third great niece.
→ Kenneth Curtis Hosea
your father → Ophelia Hosea
his mother → Henry Morgan
her father → Nancy Lucinda Champion
his mother → John James Champion
her father → Samuel Champion
his father → Ann Champion
his mother → Samuel Judkins, of Southwark Parish
her father → John Judkins, Sr.
his brother → Martha Judkins
his wife → David Holt, Sr.
her brother → David Holt
his son → DIECY Holt
his daughter → ELIZABETH Worsham
her daughter → Eunice C. Dove
her daughter