I'd like to submit these profiles to be added. Other members of their family are already part of the project and the Ainsworth name is listed among the surnames but none of the actual Ainsworths have been included, as far as I can tell.
Thomas Phillemahaya Ainsworth, Choctaw Trader
Thomas is my direct ancestor. Aisley is my ancestral aunt who married into the Choctaw Redmond / Redman family.
Statment Certified Circuit Court 1953 Phillemahaya Ainsworth was half Choctaw Indian, was the father of Ailsey Ainsworth, who was the wife of George Redmond who was half Choctaw Indian and was the Father of Eliza Redmond who was the Wife of Josephus Bond, and she was the Mother of William Davis Bond who was the Father of I,Hezekiah Bond
Thanks for considering their inclusion.