According to this tree: R' Shlomo HaRofe is the great grandson of Avraham ben Yechiel Luria, II, ABD Brisk The tree does not give the names of the two interceding generations, but according to Friedman ( they are Shlomo b. Yekhiel and then Yekhiel b. Shlomo (the latter being the father of R' Shlomo HaRofe). Their names as not as important as the connection between HaRofe and Avraham ben Yechiel, which is missing from this profile. which now ends with Rabbi Shlomo Ashkenazi Luria So the question is: did someone prove that the two referred to trees are fabrications, or should there be a correction of the current profile of HaRofe showing a connection to the Luria tree of Avraham ben Yekhiel?