Private/Public - Geertruij Helm/Willemsz

Started by Private User on Friday, February 25, 2022
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  • Private User
    Geni Pro
  • Geni Pro
  • J P Weyers
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  • Private
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Profiles Mentioned:

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I've noticed we have two profiles for Geertruij Willemz:
Geertruij Helm, SM/PROG and Geertruij Helm, SM/PROG

Is there some background to why Banie Penzhorn created a new, private profile for her on 06/08/2021?

I see it was originally a public profile, but was updated by "The Geni Team" on the same day?

Made it public. Will merge it in. Also Hans Helm, SV/PROG

Historical Duplicates should either be merged in or isolated.

Think problem with searches on GENI -- more than a weak will search for a profile find nothing then add then next day suddenly a previous duplicate appears .

Even often I add a profile today then does not appear on search for a week but in my profiles added exactly as search .

That is definitely a problem.

Thank you Sharon.

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