Hello, I'm searching for Johan Henric Ferm born about 1779. He was married to Anna Sophia Johansdotter Räpoin born around 1787.
They married 1805-01-06 and he is living in Marala and she is working on the farm Männymäki.
They got their first child Agatha in 1806 when living in Pellilä, and the first son Fredrik Johan in 1807 and their second son Per Wilhelm in 1810.
They leave Finland sometimes after 1810-09-20 for Sweden without pappers.
I'm searching for both Anna Sofias other family and also Johan Henric family.
I added this to Anna Sofia's profile. Last person on this page (very dark). Above Johan Räpoin 1766 and his second wife Johanna Pavilain 1754.
Juvan seurakunnan arkisto - Pää- ja rippikirjat I 1803-1805 (I Aa:8), jakso 167, sivu 159: Männymäki; Kansallisarkisto: http://digi.narc.fi/digi/view.ka?kuid=6487033 / Viitattu 29.12.2021
Johan Repoin's second marriage
Juva - Jockas
Linkki tähän tapahtumaan [ 2412688 ]
Kuulutettu / Vihitty 23.8.1795 9.10.1795
Mies Kylä / Talo Männynmäki
Nimi tp: enkl: Johannes Repoin
Vaimo Kylä / Talo Ylivesi
Nimi Johanna Ericsd:r Pavilain
Oma komm.
Alkup. komm.
Linkit SSHY - Digiarkisto
Wow Pauliina, thank you so much for your help. I find it hard to search in the finnish archives since it is black and white with low resolution.
The Family left Finland in a rowingboat and made the journey to Sweden where Johan Henric enlisted in the swedish army and got his name changed to Sjö. In 1814 he left Sweden to go to war against Napoleon and died during the campain in Germany.
Hiski can be often used for searching - as a first step:
Johan Henric is not found here but some possible parents one can find when searching with Ferm: https://hiski.genealogia.fi/hiski/6kkj6?se+0014,0066,0071,0095,0144...
This is just a theory. I was in contact with another Geni user, bacause of this source, left-hand-page, last family:
Juvan seurakunnan arkisto - Lastenkirjat II 1760-1805 (I Ab:3), jakso 86, sivu 168-169: Männymäcki, Pajusalmi; Kansallisarkisto: http://digi.narc.fi/digi/view.ka?kuid=34586982 / Viitattu 31.12.2021
There's Johan Reponen and his children (two marriages). the last person Stiuf.dr (styvdotter, stepdaughter) Sophia. Johan's second wife Johanna Paavilainen may have had an illegitimate child Anna Sofia 19.4.1787:
Juvan seurakunnan arkisto - Syntyneiden ja kastettujen luettelot 1762-1792 (I C:3), jakso 305: 1787; Kansallisarkisto: http://digi.narc.fi/digi/view.ka?kuid=6822559 / Viitattu 2.1.2022
The problem is, we can't find Anna Sophia in Ylivesi, where Johanna Paavilainen lived, when she married Johan Reponen in 1795.
This is Johan's profile:
Johannes Reponen
I just got a message and this source from Ulla Korpivaara:
Juvan seurakunnan arkisto - Lastenkirjat I 1760-1805 (I Ab:2), jakso 131, sivu 253-254: Mietula, Pällilax; Kansallisarkisto: http://digi.narc.fi/digi/view.ka?kuid=34587325 / Viitattu 3.1.2022
Corp. Johan Ferm, wife Sofia Reponen "Anna Pavilains oägta"
I think Anna Pavilain must be Johanna Paavilainen.