The profile notes reflect that John Rolfe is “not” the son of John Rolfe of Heacham & Dorothea Redmayne - shouldn’t that tree as well?
Private User Writes:
Managers of Captain John Rolfe, Ancient Planter,
I am contacting you about this profile: https://www.geni.com/people/Captain-John-Rolfe-Ancient-Planter/6000...
Hello, John and Henry Rolfe are no longer believed to be the sons of Dorothy Mason Rolfe Redmayne; or the brothers of Eustace and Edward. Shouldn't the record be changed to reflect this?
"Little is known of Rolfe’s parentage or early life. While historians and genealogists have generally maintained that he was baptized in Heacham, Norfolk County, England, on May 6, 1585, and was the son of John Rolfe and Dorothy (Dorothea) Mason Rolfe, this is unlikely to be true. John Rolfe (the father) died in 1595, and Dorothy Rolfe later married Robert Redmayn (Redmaine), but none of the various wills and papers associated with her, her second husband, or their daughter ever mention the Rolfes. The Heacham parish records also fail to mention Henry Rolfe, a Virginia Company of London investor who is known to be the brother of the John Rolfe who married Pocahontas. Records also suggest that the grandmother of John Rolfe and Pocahontas’s son, Thomas Rolfe, was alive in 1645, the year Dorothy Mason Rolfe Redmayn died."
"At one point in time it was believed that John was the son of John Rolfe and his wife Dorothy Mason Rolfe, however, historians have now determined that this relationship is incorrect. [3] One major inconsistence, which shows they are not his parents is that John is known to have had a brother named Henry. After John's death, his brother Henry Rolfe petitioned the Virginia Company for funds from John's Virginia estate, to help pay for the care of John's son Thoms Rolfe who was then in Henry's care. Dorothy Mason Rolfe and her husband John Rolfe are not known to have had a son named Henry."
Thank you in advance for considering this information.
Who were the parents of John Rolfe?
While searching for something else related to Pocahontas, I came across a reference to a 1990 article in The Virginia Genealogist that suggest that what we currently have as the parents of John Rolfe are inaccurate. While there was a 6 May 1585 baptism of one John Rolfe in Heacham, co. Norfolk, son of John Rolfe and Dorothy Mason, it may not have been the Virginia immigrant nor spouse of Pocahontas. Pertinent quotes:
"... John Rolfe [alleged father of John Rolfe the Virginia immigrant] died suddenly in 1594 (without a will), and on 8 March 1594/5 at Heacham the widow Dorothea Rolph married Robert Redmayne, widower... The 1618 will of Robert Redmaine... names his wife Dorothy and ... mentions no Rolfes nor any of his wife's family. The will of Dorothy Redmayne of Heacham, widow, in 1645 likewise names no Rolfes but does give bequests to... more than sixty persons... The will seems that of a prosperous widow without any descendants. Would the lady give so much money to so many people and yet ignore her own grandson and his family, even if that grandson was in Virginia? Further the immigrant John Rolfe had a brother Henry--the Heacham church register has no Henry Rolfe- so was Henry deadby 1645 without descendants? By inference, Dorothy (Mason) Rolfe Redmaine was not the mother of the Virginia immigrant, and therefore the English ancestry of John Rolfe of Virginia remains unknown."
This suggests we should detach his parents.
Source: William Thorndale, "Two Rolfe Negatives," in The Virginia Genealogist, 34(1990):209-210.
The Virginia Genealogist. Washington, DC: J. F. Dorman, 1957 - 2006. (Online database. AmericanAncestors.org. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2009.)
There’s another clue to origins.
“John and Dorothy had no daughters. Henry is listed as an additional son in the book Old Sandringham," by Mrs. Herbert Jones, however, there is no Dorothy or Henry recorded in the Parish records. Wilson Miles Cary of Baltimore, the distinguished genealogist, proposes that that John Rolfe, of Virginia, was not a son of John and Dorothea Rolfe, but belonged to another branch of the same family.”
Here’s the article.
Plenty of wills and church records leave out children, siblings and others so one shouldn't presume an absence of mention in those records proves anything. Likewise, I don't disagree that John Rolfe's parents aren't definitively known, but that distinguished genealogists speak of another branches of the same family but can produce no records for that to prove those other branches are really other branches and not their personal opinions is also telling in the same way that absence of other records for John & Henry are supposed to be telling.
So then one has data with no way to definitely link the data in those records, and that would include proving they aren't the same as well, but that lack of being able to link records as the same person doesn't prove the records are indeed two or more people.
John Rolfe of Heacham & John Rolfe, Jr. are records that falsely claims to have proven that the son is not the John Rolfe Ancient Planter of Virginia without actually proving anything except that they can't link him to anyone at all in further records in England or Virginia with certainty. Such a circumstance is definitely not the same things as proving those records of a man or men named John Rolfe are definitely not the same person and so shouldn't claim such a thing. Making the same error as the original researcher but in another direction isn't correct either.
Really, they are giving their opinion based based on Henry Rolfe's absence from a church record in 1645 when men died young without issue very frequently. And children absent from a will is not a surprise at all & was a very expected and common thing to do when the children no longer lived in the vicinity. People are making behavioral assumptions for people than based on the modern electronic and mechanical conveniences of today's culture and it's a mistake to do so.
I agree that they should state they can't prove one way or the other John Rolfe Ancient Virginia Planter's parentage, but they shouldn't be trying to convince people into dismissing John and Dorothy Rolfe are not the likely parents because John Rolfe didn't get mentioned in the will, when if John Jr was in England still as the new genealogists are implicitly claiming, then he would of much more likely been included in the will then if he were in Virginia, practically speaking.
Were any of the over 60 recipients named in those wills distant from the location of the deceased? Were any of the over 60 recipient overseas? I'm thinking not. If John Jr didn't go to Virginia and was still in England when those wills were read: well, that John Jr wasn't mentioned in those wills either & there would have had good reason to name him give the ease they could give him property locally as opposed to arranging to ship it to Virginia to someone without reliable postal service in a rural backwater of an American frontier.
So this whole, "no mention in the will" claim doesn't really prove at all another branch of Rolfes existed that had sons named John & Henry Rolfe.
Geni is binary, either / or, and the burden of proof is affirmative: that is, it needs to be demonstrated that these are the parents. So as I understand it, it cannot be shown that John Rolfe, ancient planter of Virginia, was the same person as John Rolfe, Jr.
The argument you are making is “show me he wasn’t their child.” But geni doesn’t work that way. If it can’t be shown he was, we try not to link. Mileage, of course, varies; and everyone is more than welcome to show in their private databases.
A DNA proof would need be fairly sophisticated, if it’s even conceivable, as there are no Ys to compare, in England or America.
There should be more research available in England. John Rolfe apparently had a mother living in 1645, and I don’t know who raised his son Thomas Rolfe - does anyone know?
Here’s about genealogist Wilson Miles Cary (b 1838 - )
University of Virginia: Its History, Influence, Equipment and ..., Volume 1
edited by Paul Brandon Barringer, James Mercer Garnett, Rosewell Page 426. GoogleBooks
Note: the article was published in 1913, and Mr. Cary died in 1915. I wonder was became of his Genealogical queries in progress ….
I don't have deep knowledge of this time period and therefore have nothing specific to add to the discussion. But since Captain John Rolfe is, as far as I can determine, my ancestor, I will say Erica has a valid point. In my own personal family tree, I disconnect generations where there is reasonable doubt about a relationship. If new information surfaces that corroborates the relationship, I then reconnect the relationship. I therefore support disconnecting Captain John Rolfe from his alleged parents until such time as new information is found that proves the relationship was valid.
By the way, it was Henry Rolfe, of London who raised Thomas Rolfe in England - answering my own question from https://www.geni.com/discussions/242696?msg=1530443
Henry and John Rolfe are known brothers, and Dorothy Mason did not have a son Henry, or any other “blood” relatives at her death. Yet she was a wealthy & connected widow. Would she “not” have raised an orphaned grandchild?
Too many contorted explanations would be needed to place John Rolfe in that family. I do think John & Henry’s parents could be found.
This is interesting- church in UK - just another avenue to look at-
Rolfe or Rolph
Was Captain John Rolfe, Ancient Planter the son of Edmund Rolfe of Narford & his wife Katherine Rolfe
https://www.genealogy.com/ftm/b/r/a/Glenn-D-Braunstein-CA/WEBSITE-0... Thinks so but doesn’t offer any citations.