Cadwallon, King of Gwynedd - Wife

Started by Debbie Gambrell on Thursday, December 16, 2021
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I'm not finding a reference to his having been married to the daughter of Pybba of Mercia.

Daughter of Pybba of Mercia

All the links i've checked regarding the daughter of Pybba only show her married once, to

Cenwealh, king of Wessex

Either I'm missing something when I'm looking or she wasn't married to Cadwallon ap Cadfan.


Thanks in advance for any assistance / clarification.

The Bartrum cite was there, but the link was no longer usable. I have corrected the link : Bartrum shows the marriage.

Yes, thanks. I had discovered the link wasn't working.

Her dates look questionable. Any info on that?


Dating for people of that era is never going to be exact. If she was the mother of Cadwallon's son, Cadwalladr, her current dating seems about right, although you coulddate her at c. 615 to make her 15 at the birth of her son, a common age for women of that time to begin having children. For a good look at how we are assigneing these dates I recomend Darrell Wolcott's "Generation Gaps and the Welsh Laws" ( .)

One thing occured to me, and that is that there may be more than one unnamed daughter of Pyba, and we may have two woman conflated here.

BTW, I see that you and I are 12th cousins, sharing 11th great grands John Clarke and Katherine Cooke.

Cadwallon, King of Gwynedd is my 44th great grandfather.
Daughter of Pybba, of Mercia is my 44th great grandmother.
Cenwealh, king of Wessex is my third cousin 38 times removed.

I agree, as I was searching for info last night, I also concluded there was more than one daughter. Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for daughters to not be as well documented as sons, especially that far back. Sometimes they're only mentioned if they married a notable husband.

Nice to meet you, cousin. :) And thanks for your collaboration on this.

You are quite welcom

I am 37 and 40 relatives, it is always nice to know about who your related too, seams like everyone, lol

Lord Bruce de UBC

He's my 38th ggfather!

According to GENI, Cadwallon, King of Gwynedd is my 38th great grandfather, as well.

Also, Daughter of Pybba, of Mercia is my 38th great grandmother, whoever she may have been. Daughter of Pybba, of Mercia, my 38th great grandmother. Hmm. ?

But, as Steven Mitchell Ferry was saying, and I paraphrase: The history is muddled; But, this is what GENI produces.

I probably doubt it all, more than believe it; but it does seem romantic though; does it not?

This makes sense to me.
Cadwallan is my 41 st ggf.
Daughter of Pybba is my41 ggm
Cenwealh is my 41st ggm's husband

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