Discovered an app that automatically translates texts from images. Translation of the source attached to Vasak, king of Siwnik' reads:
CHAPTER LIV Bishops of Siounie, installed after Ter Vahan.
After Vahan ¹) the episcopal seat was occupied by a widowed priest, named Achot, of great austerity and wisdom, much loved by princes and known throughout the country. He was consecrated by the Catholicos Vahan.
This bishop Achot had a son, Hovhannès, brought up by him with great care, who, having arrived at the virile age, chaste and of holy morals, endowed with talents and an advantageous exterior, was also crowned bishop of Siounie.
For his father, Ter Achot, after occupying the seat for 17 years, he entrusted it to his son Hovhannès, and devoted himself solely to prayer. Hovhannes being dead, after having sat for six and a half years, violence was done to his father Achot, to reinstate him, and he himself died five and a half years later. His successor was Ter Samouel, a gentle and good man, who sat for three years and was struck down by death.
They therefore chose a virtuous and very experienced man, nurtured in holiness and continence, named Hacob, who was placed on the episcopal see of Siounia. 2)
In his time died Sembat, lord of Siounie, son of Sahac, who was deposited in the episcopal residence of Tathev. Sembat had taken the crown and the title of king ³).
His pious wife, the holy queen Chahandoukht, and their sons Vasac and Sévada, gave to the holy church, for the soul of the pious and religious king Sembat, 6000 drams and the village of Tegh, canton of Hanband, established by Chahandoukht herself in a moor, and so that no one dared to cancel her donation, she wrote an act, in these terms:
"In the name of God, I wanted, Chahandoukht, daughter of Sévada), to give the village of Tegh, canton of Hanband, with all the limits that surround it, with its mountains, with its plains and its revenues, of which my king Sembat made me a present, and which I established in a moor after the departure from this world of my venerable king, I offered it for his soul, to the holy metropolis of Tathev and to the Holy Sign, through Hacob, bishop of Siounie.
From now on we are no longer its masters, me and my sons Vasac and Sévada, because we have handed it over to God and to the Holy Sign ³). We must annually celebrate about forty masses for the soul of my king, at the feast of the Transfiguration, and every day recite, during the quarantine, the psalm: “Blessed are those whose sins are forgiven; now, holy pontiffs who accede to this seat, you must accomplish this without opposition and [manage/control/administrate] this village, free of all taxes. God bless it!