Boas family from Graetz, Posen

Started by Rebecca Michel on Sunday, November 28, 2021
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My great grandfather Isidor Boas (1856 - 1949) and his father before him, Gottschalk Boas (possibly 1826 -1892)- and maybe his mother also, Friederike Lewin (b. 1828) - were from Graetz, near Posen. Does anyone recognise those names?

Refer to The book The Naturalized Jews of the Grand Duchy of Posen in 1834 1835 Revised Edition, Compiled by Edward David Luft, 2004, published by Avotaynu, cost about $50 USD.

Several Boaz Boas are listed, some in Graetz and some in Kurnik.

I am connected to you by s long chain of people, nothing too close.

Luft himself is on Geni.

Refer to Flottwell Heinrich EDUARD von Flottwell
on Geni for more details on what Naturalization meant.



I do not, to the best of my knowledge, have any Boas relatives, but my 3rd ggrandfather was a Solomo Schonland from Gratetz. Does anyone have any knowledge of him and his family? Thanks.

Thanks for that reference, Dan. I am very much an amateur, part-time genealogist so I'm not sure I'll be able to follow up the Luft book ... although, you never know what I might have time for in retirement?!

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