cf Pierre Rousseau, SV/PROG
I can't see any reason they shouldn't be brother and sister - on same ship coming out - but no reason, equally, why the relationship is siblings.
Both from MER- BLOIS: http://huguenots-france.org/france/refuge/afrique_sud/embarques.htm
Seems the most likely connection - although cousins did come out together - as did in-laws.
I've linked them.
This is a Discussion, Delia - not a publication. He's using your work as part of an argument and making it perfectly clear that he is doing that and acknowledging you. Neither he nor Geni are profitting from it. In fact, the only benefit is to you as it advertises your site.
Your work is in the public domain: if you expect it not to be discussed by academics you need to remove it from the internet altogether.
Once he's seen this, I'll remove it - because it matters little either way; except in that it speaks to an ungenerous attitude to academic discussion that I do not believe is of intellectual benefit to anyone working in this field.
I've seen you benefit from DNA uploaded and propagated here by Geni users, and have been very happy that you do so, as it widens the cirlce of academic minds focused on the issues.
Thank You Sahron --- was actually acknowledging FFY data as a valued source.
Umpteen similar on Geni. WIKITREE and familysearch.org
Just using it as Delia have done herself and other users here on GENI in other discussions re other profiles here on GENI.
Will remove it , no intensed misuse of information intended and FFY acknowledged.
Information we find from primary sources does not become our property.
Most if not all of the information on First Fifty Years Project actually come from other primary sourcs accesible and avaliable to any of usand is not the property of FFY .
No need to acknowledge FFY just the actual real orgin of information. Just a courtesy we have been doing.
The real source needs to be noted as reference.
Sharon Doubell I am not going to respond to you because as so often you caste personal aspersions and insults.
Hopefully more people would recognize thet real origin of information . The true sources
Thanks to Familysearch.org that ask us nothing yet gives freely.
Will use real primary sources and not personal compilations of information originally from true sources.
Will acknowledge them and give as reference of original information.
As far as I know woeds are not owbed by anyone
Delia -- your comments re,Sharon Doubell actually applies to you not her.
Have seen this often in other discussions you try to manipulate and control.
Keptc quiet thn but no more.
I assure you will not use FFY or refer to your site or refer anyone else to your site from now on
Hopefully you will come to understand the concept of working together to achieve something as time moves on.
J P Weyers This is rich coming from you when I spent weeks and money tracking down, obtaining permission and then incorporating the Arnoldus Coevoet;s family letters and further researched that entire family [ongoing] because you had questions about them. Which since I announced on Geni much was done, you have yet to acknowledge.
Delia Robertson whether or not I use info from your FFY profiles, I inevitably put a link to your FFY profile on every Geni profile I can from this era. I do that as an endorsement of the excellence of your product, and as an advertisement for your site in acknowledgement of your hard work
If we find something here that I think may interest you for one of your profiles, I always try to alert you. I do this because I think you'll be interested - not because I want you to do work for us. That's my idea of academic collaboration. If users in Discussions occassionally cut too much from your page in an attempt to quickly present your stance, I'd like to suggest that the traffic we go out of our way to send your way at every opportunity far outweighs these occasional oversights.
I also don't like or accept being accused of being a thief ortrying to steal anyyhthing belonging to Delia Robertson.
I take exception too Delia Robertson accusing me of bad intentions and being a malicious thief plus not thanking her in another discussion January 2022 when I actually thanked and complimented her there.
She is being malicious here.
Sharon akso look at what is taken verbatim from FFY in other discussions here on GENI and Delia then had NO objections..None at all in discussions re Louis van Bengale .what iif some evil person had taken anything from there -----
Delia Robertson -- you caste personal aspersions and insults.
Today at 10:34 AM
Phillipp Weyers (R-U106) then stop complaining, If you will not back up your allegation with evidence I can't help you. And while you're at it, stop ranting to and about me in various discussions. If you don't stop, I will report you to Geni.
Phillipp Weyers (R-U106) PRO
Today at 11:11 AM
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Phillipp Weyers (R-U106) PRO
17/1/2022 at 1:22 PM
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Thank You Delia for all your input here.
also thx Ian and Sharon ( what will I do -- )
Phillipp Weyers (R-U106) PRO
21/1/2022 at 9:53 AM
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Delia -- have to say this. Been thinking even with all the information on FFY ( Free for anyone to access) you are still able to hear questions about individuals origins and conflicting information. Even challenging and changing your own information.
So rare on GENI where too many believe they own information and can not be challenged just because of whom they are.
So I stand accused not thanking you Delia , by you ?
SEE date 21/01/2022 please and stop threatening me I am not your servant .
Delia Robertson
Yesterday at 12:14 PM
Phillipp Weyers (R-U106) This is rich coming from you when I spent weeks and money tracking down, obtaining permission and then incorporating the Arnoldus Coevoet;s family letters and further researched that entire family [ongoing] because you had questions about them. Which since I announced on Geni much was done, you have yet to acknowledge.
J P Weyers - Wrt to the acknowledgement having ADDED THE LETTERS this is what I was referring to: Delia Robertson
2/12/2022 at 11:29 AM
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Arnoldus Koevoet
Susie Newton-King has very graciously shared with me (actually with FFY) 32 letters written by Johannes Morgh and others to Arnoldus Coevoet (var.) and his wife Anna Rebecca van Bengale.
The letters were transcribed by the TEPC and edited by Susie.
I have thus far added the letters from Johannes to his brother Arnoldus (some were also address to Anna Rebecca) and will gradually add the rest as I am able to more fully identify the other authors, and people mentioned in the letters, and include their profiles in the project.
Please note that you DO NOT have permission to cut and paste, screen shot, or otherwise copy the letters whether into Geni - or anywhere else. You may use the facts contained in
the letters and with proper sourcing and attribution refer back to the relevant FFY pages where people can consult themselves.