Nottoway Cheraw Leader John Williams, Sr. - Proposed merge....

Started by Polly GEDmatch kit # TA7057982 on Friday, November 12, 2021
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Hey everyone I need help...cousin proposed this merge of this John and this other John Nottoway Cheraw Leader John Williams, Sr. and I'm NOT knowledgeable enough to help please! 😁 THANK you!!

Duplicate of a locked profile. Can be deleted.

There was another one also, so I merged. I don’t delete profiles.

Sarah Pley - can you link to grin profiles that need repair?

Hi Erica, I was diconnected through my Old Cheraw line not sure where( for example John Williams is my Grandfather).It would be great if you could help. Thanks

I’m lost without links. Nottoway Cheraw Leader John Williams, Sr. - run the descendant report from his profile, write the revisions tab on profiles, , and run the ancestor report from your profile, looking especially for Williams.

I noticed that a BE Williams changed the info on John Williams Sr his past June of 2022 in FamilySearch. I too thought I was a descendant of John Williams Sr (Cherwa Leader) but now am unsure. We may be descended of the John Williams Sr who emigrated from Wales and then perhaps they married into the Cherwa tribe? I say this because I have DNA match with a Williams is Wales and a DNA match with Walter Choctaw Bill Williams.. very confusing... And Barbara Elaine Williams also changed the name of John Williams Sr's wife to Ann Vassar from Shoemaker... ??

Williams is an extremely common name. One needs to take it step by step, and I would think Y DNA studies will help.

Maybe there’s a common ancestor listed here:

Im related to the Cheraw Williams family, proof with dna. I dont need information from geni or anywhere else. Dna doesnt lie, so Im not a bit worried about any changes anyone makes :)

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