What is the source of a marriage between Priscilla Martha Devlin to ? TURTLE
She died as Priscilla DEVLIN
DEVLIN. — On the 7th May, after a very short
illness, at the residence of A Tennyson
Dickens, Dryden -street, Priscilla, daughter
of Captain Arthur Devlin, and sister of the
late Mrs. A. Tennyson Dickens.
George TURTLE married Priscilla GOODIN in 1856 in Parramatta and they had the following children
A Priscilla TURTLE died in 1869 in Paddington, the daughter of John and Ann
A Priscilla GOODIN was born in 1836 to John and Ann
Here is a link to the Priscilla who married TURTLE - Priscilla Turtle - she is the first cousin of this Priscilla DEVLIN