Nancy Franklin (Gore) - Could the Gore surname have been Gaines ** Mary (Polly)...Linney...Reuben...

Начала Vanessa Brooks YQ6082323 вторник, 2 ноября 2021
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2.11.2021 в 4:18 до полудня

I started my search for grandparents in 2017. All I had was a few names that did not connect yet like my mother name, her father name and mom was named after her bother. That's all I had. Unknown, random people, also on Ancestry sent me comments as to what they knew about my family. They identified themselves as DNA cousins who saw me struggling to piece my tree together. I started searching names given to me i.e. Anolah, Black Swan; Joe Perry, Mary (Polly) Pitchlyn, Buck Franklin. There is a written record of Capt. Perry bringing to America 8 or 9 people, some maybe slaves and some maybe not slaves but the names are so familiar. The notes refered to the GAINES as very powerful family and quite wealthy. I feel there may be a connection. I saved some of these documents on their pages for safe keeping and thinking this might mean something more one day. I am not a genealogist but there are many things I cannot explain (spiritual things). Right now I just want to be thankful and stop crying. Vanessa {butterfly}

I knew My mother name and

2.11.2021 в 10:21 до полудня

Nancy (Gore) Franklin is my fourth great aunt's mother, so we’re “cousins.”

2.11.2021 в 10:22 до полудня

(Vanessa Brooks #RM875291C1 is your fourth great aunt's fourth great niece.)

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