Consistency Check:
More than 22 year age difference between Frances Elizabeth Williams and her husband James Williams of Wales. - This very well can be correct.
Frances Elizabeth Williams is under 12 years old for the birth of her child Mary Flournoy. - Frances would have been 9 years old. It is a little too hard to believe.
Keri Denise Jackson, ♊ Twin "A", GEDMATCH GQ346442C1 - can you find source data, or are you looking for help on that?
I went down the tree until I found a cited profile, then used that source to source & correct the profiles.
I'm sorry Erica Howton. My memory issues caused by my medical issues have been much worse. I forget the simplest of things and it is very irritating and upsetting to me (especially when it comes to researching family history). So I post these so 1.) I have some way to help me remember and 2.) Yes, I always appreciate any help I get because I sometimes forget how to research. I know that sounds crazy because it is to me. So what appears to some as laziness or something is something really disturbing and upsetting to me. Thank you for helping me and responding. :)